Big Brother Protectiveness

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The LAST chapter!  Oh my gods!  And uh, you’re going to hate me next story.  Not the novella I’m writing for this UnKnown but the next story, UnStoppable if that made any sense.  Thank you to all who reviewed the last chapter!  Any who, please read and review! Especially with this being the last chapter :)

Chapter Quote:

“I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.”

~Douglas Adams


Chapter 20: Big Brother Protectiveness


Luke had been up on the Promenade deck where the buffet was with his parents, Silena, and Derek when the first wave hit.  Luke and Derek, who’d been sitting in chairs, were thrown onto the floor.

“What in Poseidon’s name is going on?!” Percy demanded no one in particular, hurrying over to help up his son and Derek.  But right as the two young boys stood up, another wave hit.

“Silena, Derek, I think Amphitrite and Triton have found us,” Luke said, paling.

“What do they have to do with this?” Annabeth asked.  Hurriedly, Luke explained how Poseidon had offered them safe passage over the seas for six to seven days but how after that, if Amphitrite and Triton found out Bryn was on board, they’d sink the ship.

“We need to get off the ship!” Percy said. “We need to get down to deck nine, now!”

Luke and Silena scooped up the two puppies before running down the deck below.  Percy was hurriedly getting a lifeboat accessible to the group.  Annabeth went in first.  Silena handed the puppy she was holding to her mother before getting on the lifeboat.  Derek followed.  Luke handed the puppy he was holding to Derek and just as he was about to get in realized something.

“Dad!  I have to go get Bryn!” Luke said frantically, getting back onto the sinking ship. “Get the lifeboat away.  I’ll get in another one!”

Percy shouted something after his son but Luke didn’t hear it.  His mind was too focused on getting to Bryn.  She would’ve headed straight up to them.  Her room wasn’t that far from deck ten.  Something had happened to her, he was sure of it.  He just had to find out what.  He leapt from the top of the stairs of deck nine down to deck eight when he heard the screaming.  He couldn’t understand what was being said but he recognized the voice: Bryn.

“Bryn!” He shouted. “I’m coming!”

She must’ve heard him because she started screaming his name.  When he reached her room, Luke could hear the panic in the voice.


“Luke!  Thank the gods!  My door’s stuck!  It won’t budge!” Bryn shouted, her voice muffled by the door.

“Stand back!  I’m going to try and knock it down,” he commanded.

“Hurry!  Water’s starting to come in my room!”

Luke backed up as far as he could go, which wasn’t much, and charged the door, throwing his shoulder at it.  The door groaned but didn’t break.  Bryn yelled out his name hysterically, this time informing him the water was rising fast and was up to her knees.  Luke kicked the door repeatedly.  He had to get her out of there.  Water started to leak from underneath the crack of her doorway as the door started to give in.

“Just a few more kicks!” Luke informed, kicking the door some more.

“It’s up to my neck Luke!” Bryn answered.  Her words struck fear into him.  If she lost her life because he couldn’t break down a stupid door, he’d never forgive himself.  She’d saved his life three times: the scorpion, the tree, and the volcano.  Luke would not let her die without repaying her.  With a new found determination, Luke slammed his foot into the door.  It snapped, allowing for all the water trapped inside Bryn’s room to come gushing out.  He heard a short yelp come from Bryn before she smashed right into him.  The water separated them, sweeping her down the hallway and away from him.  He heard himself shout her name.  She was struggling to stay above the current but even though Bryn was obviously a good swimmer, she was in danger of going under and staying under, especially because the hallway was almost completely filled with water to the ceiling.  Luke propelled himself down the corridor, using his demigod powers to have the water push him faster.  Within seconds he reached Bryn who had nearly lost consciousness.

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