I Fail at Flirting

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Hey everyone!  Sorry it’s taken so long to update!  I don’t know if I told you before but school’s started and although I have all A’s (don’t know how I’m pulling that off), it’s still kicking my butt.  If you want to know, normally on weekends, I go to bed at two-ish, I’ve crashed around eleven.  That’s how exhausted school is making me…

First snowfall of the year!  It wasn’t much but it was still pretty :)  Now if only it could give me a snow day soon…  Anyhow, updates will be sporadic so please forgive me!  I would rather write these chapters than do schoolwork but unfortunately, school takes top priority.

Quote of the Chapter:

“The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What... does a woman want?”



Chapter 14: I Fail at Flirting


When she woke up, her stomach was the calmest it had been since the start of the horrid voyage.  Bryn found it odd but didn’t want to question it.  If her stomach decided to not feel like it had been a washing machine for two centuries, then that was fine with her. 

She narrowed her eyes in on Luke who was snoring softly on the couch.  He was on lying on his stomach; his face was smashed against the arm of the couch and his hand extended over the edge; he was also slightly drooling.

With an amused smirk, Bryn forced herself to get up so she could put a blanket on him.  Luke was only in a plain blue tee and khaki shorts.  She wanted to make sure he wasn’t cold because the ship wasn’t the warmest thing on the planet, and after what he did for her last night, covering him up to make sure he didn’t freeze to death was the least she could do.  Bryn rolled out of bed, grabbed the blanket that was draped on the back of the couch, and covered Luke up.  He didn’t stir at all.  She grabbed a pair of white denim shorts and a tee shirt before heading to the bathroom.  She locked the door so that she could get dressed in peace.

Her mind whirled with the fact that technically, she had slept with Luke.  He was supposed to be her enemy.  They were supposed to hate each other and try to kill the other at every opportunity… and they had shared the same bed…

Hell, she had been curled up next to him and his arm had been wrapped around her, almost protectively. 

How was it that they were acting, by some crazy force, pleasantly decent to each other?  Bryn shook her head as she grabbed her brush.  The absurdity that a child of Zeus and a grandchild of Poseidon were getting along (for the most part) was rather shocking.  Bryn knew that Mr. Jackson and Thalia had been friends but she had heard a fair deal of stories where the two of them were quite intent on hurting the other one.  Bryn wondered when a situation like that one would arouse between her and Luke.  To be honest, she hoped it would never happen.

After brushing her teeth, Bryn applied makeup, using liquid foundation, powder, mascara, and some neutral eye shadow to hide the dark circles under her eyes despite the good night’s rest she had had last night.

“Bryn?” Luke’s voice called as she finished putting on the last layer of mascara.  She put her makeup away and stuck her head out the door.

“Yeah?” she queried.

“I was wondering where you were.  I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he replied with a yawn.  Bryn tried not to smile.

“Don’t worry, I don’t feel like I’m about to black out.” He gave her a small smile.

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