I Fry My Breakfast

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Hey y'all! Sorry it's been a while. I'm starting to get ready for my AP exam and my teachers have been loading me with homework. On top of that, I just had a really weird weekend… like über weird… but anyways, I hope y'all enjoy the chapter!

Quote of the Chapter:

"… Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up and Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get The Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-waaa. This is Dr. Sniffle reporting live from Quitchur Bitchin."



Chapter 6: I Fry My Breakfast


Bryn woke up with a start. She had had a nightmare for the umpteenth time. It had started four nights ago… or when Luke and Silena had come to camp.


She had been training him and Silena in sword fighting while Derek taught them archery. Luke had a knack for sword-fighting; Silena was good, too, but Luke beat her at it. However, when it came to archery, Silena could almost pass as a kid of Apollo she picked it up so easily. Luke, on the other hand, seemed determined to miss the target even though he swore up and down that he just couldn't hit the dang target.

Bryn smiled in spite of herself. She wasn't much of a social person. It still shocked her that she had offered to train him and Silena in the first place. Naturally, since she was a daughter of Zeus and Luke was the grandson of Poseidon, they had their arguments… every day. It usually ended up with the two of them ignoring each other for a few hours before they both cooled down enough to have civil conversations. However, she got along with Silena really well. Bryn decided it was because Silena took more after Athena than Poseidon while it was the opposite case with Luke.

Children of the Big Three, specifically Zeus, had a temper issue. Poseidon's children tended to be laid-back. Hades' children tended to hold grudges. Something they all had in common with each other though is that they always thought they were right, whether they were or not. Together, they could either be the best of friends or the worst of enemies… rarely was it the former.

Bryn pushed her thoughts of Luke from her mind and focused on her dream; there had been fire, lots of it. There were two people. She couldn't tell who they were but one was holding the other in their arms. It was obvious the person being held was dying. Bryn had sensed fear, sadness, and love, mainly love. The fear surprisingly came from the person that was holding the other one. The person being held actually felt pretty calm.

Bryn groaned. She hated demigod dreams. Bryn turned on her lamp so that she could see. The statue of Zeus in the middle of the cabin shone. Bryn wasn't one for gold but this one was a soft matte gold, which Bryn tended to favor. The rest of the camp wouldn't be up until eight, so Bryn had three hours to either try and fall back asleep or stay awake. She decided to stay up. Since Hecate was her great-grandmother, she liked the night, actually preferred it. There was something about the moon shining its silver light on everything that enraptured Bryn.

She climbed up the ladder next to her bed and onto her roof, something she had convinced Zeus to let her do. How she had done it, she wasn't sure, but Bryn was pretty sure she had inherited her mother's ability to Charmspeak, a handy thing to have. She watched as the moon set, almost positive she saw Artemis's silver chariot flying above her. Multiple times Bryn had thought of joining the Hunters of Artemis but had never been able to bring herself to do it. She guessed Aphrodite had something to do with that. But Bryn also realized she didn't want to live forever, not with the lonely life she had. She did have Derek though and she was completely fine with that. He had always been there for her. However, now that Silena was here, she felt herself losing Derek. He had never had a girlfriend; he had never actually liked any of the girls at camp and had always hung out with Bryn. They got each other. They knew what each other wanted when they wanted it.

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