I Throw Pillow Pets of Death

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Chapter Quote:

“A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.”

~Robert Frost


Chapter 15: I Throw Pillow Pets of Death


The five of them disembarked off the cruise ship and Bryn had never been so happy to set foot on land.  She made sure she didn’t drop to the ground and kiss it.

“All right, Derek and I will go get the blankets and water.  You three will go get the food and pillows, right?” Luke queried.  He looked at Hannah and Silena but ignored Bryn.  For some reason, it irked her.  What had she done?  It was obvious that he was purposefully ignoring her.

“We got it, Luke,” Bryn said, her temper flaring slightly.  He glared at her.

“Silena, watch yourself,” Luke admonished.

“You, too,” she replied.  At that, they set off.  Luke and Derek headed to the right, the girls headed to the left.  Bryn stayed silent as Hannah and Silena stared in awe at the bustling port.  They sold everything there: food, drinks, knick-knacks, toys.  You name it, they most likely had it.

Bryn’s backpack was empty save for a few snacks in case of an emergency although she didn’t think that would happen.  Her backpack was enchanted to hold more than it looked like it could.  She seriously had to thank Hecate again for giving her that spell book.  It had given her life saving techniques numerous times.

Unfortunately, it didn’t give Bryn any spells to prevent demigod nightmares.  They had been getting worse and worse.  Now it wasn’t just being on the open sea that bothered her.  The dream kept occurring every night and showing Mr. and Mrs. Jackson chained up in a cell with a disembodied voice going: They’re almost here.  And when they do arrive, the girl will be killed.  Her death will break the boy’s spirit.  They are falling right into our trap.

The dream never went any further, but each time it happened, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson looked worse.  They were bloodied up and unconscious.  Mrs. Jackson’s foot was bent at a strange angle.  Mr. Jackson looked like he had two broken arms, possibly from trying to defend his wife against something or someone that had tried to harm her.

“Pillow pets!” Silena exclaimed, knocking Bryn out of reverie.  She looked up to where Silena was pointing and sure enough, a whole stand of pillow pets, ranging from small, medium, and large, were being sold.  The three of them crossed the street and to the vendor.

*“Geia sas korítsia,” the elderly woman greeted with a smile.  Bryn returned it and haggled with the woman for a decent price for the pillow pets.  She hated to use Charmspeak but the woman was asking for such outrageous prices that Bryn decided she had no choice.  In the end, they had two frogs, a turtle, a unicorn, and a ladybug pillow pet.

“The boys will feel oh so masculine with these!” Silena joked as Bryn shoved them into her backpack.  After zipping up her back pack and shouldering it, Bryn and the girls continued their search for small snack foods.  They came across a convenience-like store, sort of like a Greek version of Walgreens.  They split up inside since it was pretty small.  Silena took the candy aisle, Hannah took the chips, and Bryn took the snack bars.  She was the first one done.  Silena and Hannah were having difficulty choosing the best chips and candy.  After paying, Bryn went to go wait outside.  She hated being in enclosed spaces.  Like the sky, she liked to be open and free; she liked to have endless possibilities of where to go. 

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