Fried Zeke-chini

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Hey y'all! Hope y'all are enjoying the story.  I forgot to mention that the cover is of the main characters: Bryn and Luke take the first big picture and Derek and Silena are underneath them.  Percy, Annabeth, Athena, Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, and Aphrodite are the side pictures (in order from top to bottom).  Anyways, I won't keep you any longer. Onwards with the story!

Quote of the Chapter:
"Stressed is desserts spelled backwards."

Chapter 3: Fried Zeke-chini

Luke and Silena trailed closely behind Poseidon and Athena. While Luke barely trusted them, he also knew they were the only ones he could count on at the moment until he figured out a way to get him and Silena safe.

"That cabin over there is where you'll be staying," Poseidon said, pointing to a long, low cabin that was made of sea rock.

"They have a choice Poseidon! They can easily choose my cabin as well!" Athena snapped, pointing to her cabin. Luke and Silena looked at each other, both on the verge of smiling. It was amusing, despite the situation, that the two gods were arguing with each other like a brother and sister would.

"Are you two always like this?" Luke asked. Silena elbowed him in the ribs, but Luke merely grinned.

"Yes. I would prefer not to argue but she takes on her father's temper and has the nastiest attitude around people she doesn't like," Poseidon said casually which made him receive a smack upside the head from Athena. Poseidon merely grinned; Luke couldn't help but see the resemblance between Poseidon and his father. They both had that innocent look with a mischievous gleam in their eyes at all time. Luke wondered if he had that same look too.

"Here we are. This is the Big House," Athena informed, walking up the steps. A boy, about Luke's age, walked out. He had short, cropped black hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked at Poseidon and Athena before bowing to them.

"Lord Poseidon, Lady Athena," the boy said.

"Afternoon Derek," Poseidon greeted warmly. Derek stood back up. His eyes settled Luke before sliding over to Silena. Derek's gaze lingered on Silena for a couple of seconds before he said, "Goodbye."

"Come along," Athena urged. Silena turned back around and watched Derek walk away.

"I saw that," Luke whispered, nudging her.

"Saw what?" Silena inquired innocently.

"You were checking him out, weren't you?" Luke teased.

"I was not!" Silena objected as they walked into the house.

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Luke, Silena, meet Chiron, leader of Camp Half-Blood," Poseidon introduced. Luke looked at the man Poseidon had motioned to. He was in a wheelchair… the next moment, he was a centaur.

Silena gasped.

"Nice to meet you, Silena and Luke Jackson. I've longed to meet the children of my favorite pupils," Chiron said, extending his hand for Luke and Silena to shake.

Luke was the first one to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Luke said. Silena repeated what Luke had done.

"How old are you?" Chiron questioned.

"I'm seventeen, sir. Silena's sixteen," Luke answered.

"Luke, you look just like Percy save for the hair. Silena, you look just like Annabeth, and once again, save for the hair." Chiron smiled. "Tell me about yourselves."

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