I'm Trampled by an Elephant

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Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far!

Quote of the Chapter:

"When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity."

~Albert Einstein


Chapter 7: I'm Trampled by an Elephant

The campers met up in the arena, milling about until Chiron came to explain the rules. Bryn and Derek, being the seasoned veterans they were of the game simply took refuge in a tree and watched the scene before them. Bryn was searching for Luke and Silena. It didn't take her long to find Luke because he was so tall, taller than most of the campers. As if he felt her eyes on him, Luke turned in her direction and they locked eyes. Bryn simply smiled at him. He turned around, probably telling Silena where he was going and headed over towards Bryn and Derek. Bryn saw Silena trailing behind him.

"Hey," Luke greeted as he came up to the tree. Derek leaped down from the tree with an eerie silence, but then again, Bryn was able to do the same thing. In fact she had taught him how to jump silently.

"Are you ready for the game?" Derek asked with a grin.

"Not really," Silena admitted.


"Uh, we're kinda using real weapons and I might be an all right fighter but I'm not a real skilled one. What I mean is I'm going to get my butt whooped."

"Can't you kill someone if they don't block themselves well enough?" Luke inquired.

"Yes, but it has never occurred in all of camp's history. I doubt you will be the one to break that," Bryn said.

"So are we on your team?" Silena questioned curiously.

"No. You're on Athena's team. Just follow them. They will lead you to where you need to go," Bryn said.

"Why aren't you on our team?" Silena prodded.

"Zeus and Poseidon do not get along well. While you would not be an issue, Luke would be because he is as obdurate as I am and in case you have not noticed in the past few days you've been here, there hasn't been a day that's gone by that we didn't get into some form of argument," Bryn pointed out.

"Obdurate?" Silena queried.

"Stubborn," Derek explained.

"Well if you actually listened to me and didn't think you are right twenty-four seven then we wouldn't be having that issue," Luke muttered.

"I don't think I'm right, I know I'm right. You're the rookie. I'm the seasoned veteran. I know when and when not to do something," Bryn pointed out.

"You're not always right!" Luke argued.

"Name a time when I wasn't," Bryn said with a challenging gleam in her eyes. Luke glared at her but said nothing. "That's what I thought. You better head on over to the crowd. May the odds be ever in your favor."

With a wink, Bryn turned around and started climbing the tree. Luke rolled his eyes and stalked off towards the crowd. Silena grinned and said "Let the Hunger Games begin!" before following her brother.

Derek climbed up after Bryn and stretched precariously out on a branch.

"I swear to the gods of you fall off that branch…" Bryn warned.

Derek grinned lopsidedly. "Then you'll fly off the branch and save my sorry butt."

"Or I'll let you fall and break your butt," Bryn countered.

UnKnown [Book 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora