We Hijack A Cruise Ship

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Enjoy the story!

Quote of the Chapter:
"It seemed weird calling a teenager 'sir' but I'd learned to be careful with immortals. They tended to get offended easily. Then, they blew stuff up."
~Percy Jackson

Chapter 9: We Hijack a Cruise Ship


It was time to go. Silena was nervous to say the least. She had never gone anywhere without her parents. Knowing her heritage now, it didn't surprise her. She packed lightly. Bryn had done some charm on her backpack where it held more than it was supposed to. She packed two pairs of jeans, a pair of shorts, two t-shirts, a brush, foundation, powder, and mascara (like she was ever going to let Derek see her without makeup!), her cell phone, a small notebook, a pen, three water bottles, and some power bars to snack on. She even managed to fit in a jacket. She put on her converse shoes and walked to the Poseidon cabin to meet Luke.

She knocked before coming in.

"Hey," Silena said, leaning up against his bed. He already looked more toned from the intense training program Derek and Bryn had put both of them through. He had a pretty decent tan. Vaguely, Silena wondered if she had that good of a tan as well; she sure hoped so but since she had decided long ago that her brother had gotten all the looks in the family, she didn't really believe she did have a tan as good as his.

"You ready?" He asked, putting a jacket in his backpack, which Bryn had also put the -charm on. That girl had some serious awesomeness-mojo going on.

"Yeah…" Silena replied.


"It's not even funny," Silena grumbled, plopping down on his meticulously made bed. For some unexplainable reason, Luke was very tidy. He hated when things were out of order or when something was out of place; that was inherited from their mother. Silena, on the other hand, tended to be a bit messy, something she had inherited from her father.

"We have Bryn, Derek, and Hannah with us. They're experienced in quests… well, Derek and Hannah are. Bryn just seems to know everything about everything."

"That's what happens when you're stuck at camp your whole life and have read every book here five times over," Bryn said, gliding gracefully and quietly into the room with Derek and Hannah behind her.

"You have an eerie ability to pop up whenever you're being talked about," Silena said with a joking apprehensive look.

"Or maybe you just talk about me a lot," Bryn countered with a smirk. She actually had a point. Luke and Silena did talk about her lot, but mainly they were trying to figure her out. She was a pretty confusing person if you were friends with her.

"I'm guessing you're all ready?" Luke inquired, shouldering his backpack. The threesome nodded. "Then let's go."

"Do you have an idea of where we're going?" Bryn asked, walking beside him.

"Of course I do," Luke scoffed.

"No you don't," Bryn said, raising an eyebrow.

"Fine, I don't. But Silena and I will figure it out."

"What's the commotion?" Hannah suddenly said. Everyone looked up to the top of Half-Blood Hill.

Silena saw Bryn and Derek grimace.

"What is it?" Silena prodded.

At the same, Bryn and Derek replied, "Artemis's Hunters."

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