Chapter 10; Going back To Bella

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Disclaimer; I do not own Twilight or any of the Twilight Characters, I only own my own characters and the storyline
Elaine's  POV
Carlisle met Violet and they both love each other, I am so glad!
We're currently sitting in Carlisle's office while Alice and Violet start constructing her new wardrobe.
Carlisle plays with my hair absentmindedly while he reads the book 'Night' ever since I told him about my time in Germany he's been reading all kinds of book about World War Two and the Holocaust.
I'm silently deciding something in my mind. Something that's gonna be very difficult to tell Carlisle and Violet,
I promised Bella that I would be back in two week, it would be two weeks tomorrow.
I couldn't break my promise to her.
"Carlisle, darling,"
I whisper,
He looks up at me and smiles,
"Yes beautiful?"
I give him a sad smile,
"I need to go,"
He sits up and sets his book down on the side table,
"What do you mean you need to go?"
I look down, he pulls me into his lap so that I have my legs around him, straddling him.

"I promised Bella I would be back, I can't break that promise,"
He looks at me sadly,
"You promised me you'd never leave me again,"
I know that I did, and I don't know what I really should do.

"I just don't know what to do,"
I whisper,
I look down.
He pulls my chin up with two of his fingers.
"Please, Elaine, darling, don't leave me again."
If I were alive I would be crying right now, I feel something wet on my face and wipe if with the back of my hand.
What the hell,
I shouldn't be able to cry. I really had to read that book more.
Carlisle looks alarmed.
"How are you crying?"
He starts to get up to go grab one of his medical books but I gently push him back down.

Carlisle's POV
She pushes me gently back down, I look up at her, there are still tears falling down her face.
"Carlisle, if I tell you something promise me, you won't freak out,"
She whispers.
I raise an eyebrow, what could be so bad that I would freak out?
"What is it?"
I ask,
"Promise me,"
She whispers so quietly, that I almost didn't hear it.
I nod, and she stands up,
It takes everything in me not to grab her and force her to sit back down,
She walks over to her bag in the corner and pulls out a huge old looking book.
I raise my eyebrow again,
"What's that?" I ask.
She doesn't answer right away, she sets the book on the table and starts pacing.
I open the book to the first page to see the title,
'The Prophecy of The Dark'
"That book, is about me."
She whispers and stops pacing.
I look at her, confused,
"What do you mean it's about you?"
She sighs,
"The book talks about a woman, that dies, but then comes back,"
She explains, it sounds painful for her to even say these words.
"Okay," I say hesitantly, "what does it say about the woman?"
I ask,
She sits down on the chair across from me,
"I didn't get to read all of it,
But I don't think it's good,"

Elaine's POV
We're silent for a second,
"Well we need to find a way to stop it,"
He whispers,
I nod. Then stand up,
"Darling, listen, I need to go see Bella, but I promise I'll come back very soon."
He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.
"How do I know you won't slip out of my fingers again?"
He asks so quietly I almost don't hear it.
"Because I'm leaving you my heart,"
He looks down,
"I need you to take care of Violet for me. I have to figure out what's going on, and if Bella looks any worst than she did when I left her, then I don't Violet to see that."
I say,
He nods again knowing I'm right.
The rest of the night I spend holding him, we don't talk, we just lay there, and when The sun rises I leave.
The last thing I think as I look at him standing on the end of the driveway, watching me off, is that I need to get back to this man.
Elaine is wearing the outfit in the picture when she leaves

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