Work canteen

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"She won't even talk to me, it's been a week, what am I supposed to do?" Rory looked at his work colleagues, Dean and Samantha who were sat in the canteen with him.

"What exactly did you say to her?"

"We were having an argument about Amy putting Elsa to bed an hour after her bedtime and I accidentally called her a bad mum".

"Dude, that is really bad, I'm surprised Amy still lets you in the same bed as her".

"Well thanks Dean, that was totally not helpful".

"Ignore him, Rory, you just have to make sure Amy knows what a fantastic mum she is, also flowers and chocolate help".

"Thanks Sam".

"Dean's right though, it is really bad, I'm surprised you're even allowed in the house after saying something like that".

Rory sighed and stood up, "gotta get back to work". He turned around to leave the canteen and saw Amy stood behind him.

He went over to her and smiled slightly, "hey, what are you doing here?".

"I just umm..I need to talk to you".

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