Chapter 15

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"Ugh my back hurts!" I cried.

"It your stupid girls fault!" Gray screamed, as he got hit by Mira.

"Hmph! Excuse minna for wanting to look nice!" Juvia pouted.

Natsu just grinned, while shoving his face with cheap burritos, bought by Lucy. Much to every other boys dissapointment. He just gave them a cocky smirk.

"Oh quit it!" Gajeel growls. I give him a weak smile and pat his arm, I'd pay for some but, I'm broke...

Wait, what?! No. BAD LEVY! Mental slap. "Wait. Can we go to different places now?!" Evergreen eyes, looked like she had seen and lived through insanity.

Mira giggled, "You atleast need to have another person with you!" everyone sighed in relief, but was still kinda angry.

"Oofh! Ooh waahah guu hue ehr arrced!" Natsu said, muffled through his food.

"YEAH! ARCADE!" Gray screamed, Natsu and Gray glared at eachother, not before grabbing some burritos. They both were off.

"Well, anyone wanna come shoe shopping?" Mira smiled.

Evergreen smirked. "Me! There's simply not enough in my closet yet!" Evergreen smiled.

"Levy, Juvia. Wanna go get our nails done? Its on me!" Lucy sings, Juvia's eyes lit up like stars.

I thought about it for a second, then hesitantly agreed. I mean, the others will probably leave us behind. Seeing as we almost got poor Gajeel, Natsu and Gray killed.

¤Magical Time Skip¤

"Oh! There you are. You got lucky you weren't late again!" Mira said, ever so calmly.

Shivers were sent down my spike, Mira was cute. But Mira was scary, and Laxus, he was insane for liking the she-devil. Looking around I only saw acouple of us, Mira, Ever, Lisanna, Bixlow, Laxus, Gajeel and us.

"I feel sorry for whoever isn't here..." Lucy sweat dropped.

"Juvia agrees, they're all going to die."

"Oh I have a better idea! I got everyone's keys before we left. So, let's leave them here and go to a water park!" Mira cheered, my eyes widdened.

"We don't have swimsuits, Mira-Nee..."

"We could buy them, but yeah. That sounds like fun!" Lucy smiled.

"Then it's settled, we got five cars and nine people. Choose wisely!" With that I rushed towards Mira and grabbed Gray's car keys, and booked it.


Gray's car could make snow cones. Juvia just wanted to snoop through his person items, but me? I wanted to just drive his car.

I unlocked his car and jumped into the drives seat, quickly locking it once more hiding. She started banging on the glass, my eyes widdened. Which is worse. Juvia killing me, or Juvia and Gray killing me.

Sighing I unlocked the car and she sat in the back, "That was cruel. New Love Rival." Juvia sobbed.

My eye brow twitched, now I know how Lucy feels. With that Gajeel entered the passengers seat, I gave him a confused look. "I told Mira to leave Elfman van keys with the lost and found so they don't atleast get jumped while walking back." He snickered.

I laughed, how adorable. "Did she say where we are going?"

"Eh. She said to Willis Water Park. You know where to go?"

Putting the keys in the ignition and starting up the car, I smirked. "I know a short cut.

¤Boring GaLe stuff you don't need to read¤

"Ugh...Juvia thinks New Love Rival gave Juvia motion sick-- argh..."

Rolling my eyes I glared at Juvia, who was trying her hardest not to throw up, Gajeel on the other hand, passed out.

"I don't think I can look at cars anymore, or wheels...." Gajeel said with his body out the window, he may have thrown up. Four times, I don't know.

Getting out of the car I stretched, rolling my eyes. "Grow up you babies!"

With that the other three cars pulled up, and Mira just looked at me like I killed a crowd of people.


"Bruh. Are you TRYING to kill Gajeel and Juvia? Levy don't wreck my otps." Mira growled.

I stuck out my tongue. "You all over react!"

"Any-urk...Does Minna wanna go shopping for our suits?" Juvia smiles, holding her stomach.

With that Lucy pulled out her credit cards with a wink. "Everything is on Lucy!"

"Ugh, you think Levy drives bad? Just being in Natsu's ferrari...urghk..." Ever said as she struggled to stand, getting hit by Lucy's credit cards.

After about thirty minutes we all found bathing suits, got full entry passes and were ready. "What to do first?!" I smiled, looking around everyone was gone. I looked down and sighed. Of course.

"Wanna go hit the lazy river before we do anything else?" Gajeel said putting a hand on my shoulder.

Atleast some one didn't run. "Sure! But try anything and I will take your ring." I giggled.

We waited in line for awhile, before we went up I turned around, cause for some reason I felt like some pedophile was staring me down.

Shrugging it off we got in and half way through the river, Gajeel spalshed me. "Oh that's it metal head!" With that I sent a giant wave towards him making him tip over, wasn't what I meant to do but it was worth it.

I'm surpised no one did anything about it, either. With that I felt the tube taken straight out from under me, looking at Gajeel floating away with his, and mine. How cruel!

I could only giggle, this was fun. But it wasn't going to last forever...

*SO merry Christmas update for you! Sadly I am not in the Christmas spirit to write some Christmas stuff, this valentine's day I'm thinking of making a holiday ship book only updated on holidays and stuff. I pinkie helpless swear! Also. 4.13K. Holy. Wow. I love you all<3 anyways enough rambling. Sorry for slow updates, I hope you enjoyed! also working on new books, may be publishedsoon, Merry Christmas!*

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