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"Get the fuck up Danny, you have some explaining to do." A high female voice called from the doorway of my room. Why is there a girl in my house?

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was, in fact, not in my house but in a beige colored rooms and surrounded by cream colored sheets and a brown bed spread. I shifted a bit to find myself still wearing my black skinny jeans but without a shirt. I looked up to see a tall bleach blonde with pink lips and blue eyes.

"Tana?" I asked and rubbed my eyes, a splitting head ache echoing through my brain as soon as I moved.

She walked over with some Tylenol and a glass of iceless water and handed it over. I took it quickly and sighed, faint memories of one too many shots flowing through my head, not a unfamiliar one though.

Following Tana, I was met with a large white modern kitchen and a bowl of cereal sat out.

"Start explaining now." She demanded, I bit my lip nervously.


"Are you two fighting?" She interrupted.

"No! I mean-sorta he's been ignoring me I guess?" I took a bite of cereal and looked down, slightly ashamed of the fact that that had been what was bothering me so bad.

"How?" She's asked, suddenly enthralled.

"Well he had his new girlfriend," Tana nodded, knowing who I was talking about, "she's sorts replaced me, they do everything together now! The phandom is slowly beginning to ship Phenzie..."

"Dan," Tana stopped me, "are you jealous?" I stopped for a moment.

Was a jealous?

It hurt me to see him with her, smiling because of her jokes, kissing him... It hurt me to watch them walk together side by side, or cuddle under a blanket together, Phil randomly laughing from her tickling him at random... It hurt me to know that they were happy together and that I'm not the one next to Phil making him smile. He used to make this face every time he said a joke and a laughed, a face of satisfaction of victory, knowing that he was the cause for my smile but now it was just another memory. Something in the past.

"Yes, I'm jealous."

I miss us, Phil. | PhanWhere stories live. Discover now