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"Phil!" Louise's daughter giggled as I got into their car. I smiled at her and leaned back for a moment.

"So Phil, what's going on?" Louise asked, shifting gears and driving off.

I shifted uncomfortably and glanced at Darcy, who was playing with a Barbie in the backseat.

"I'll tell you later." I sighed.

"How are you and Kenzie?" Louise asked, I looked up at her, a bit saddened and she paused, "Dan?" I looked up for a moment, the image of Dan's smile passed through my mind and I briefly smiled before looking down.

"I don't know." I fixed my fringe for a moment and sighed.

"I love Dan." Darcy announced, giggling, "he has holes in his cheeks." I smiled for a moment.

"Those are called dimples, dear." Louis told her.

"I like poking his dimples." Her bubbly giggle came out again.

"Me too." I sighed and looking d over at out the window. It was 3pm and darkness was already sweeping over England, or maybe it was just the stormy clouds making it seem that way.

She pulled up and got out, getting Darcy out with her. I glanced down at my phone to see Dan had texted me a long paragraph, so long it didn't fully display on my lock screen.

I waited until getting inside before reading it.

Sister Danyul:
Listen Phil, I know not telling you was terrible because I know how touchy you are about the subject. I didn't want to be the one to hurt you and possibly make you rethink your life. I know how stressful this all must be, everything that's happening and I'm sorry. I'm still not sure if you think sleeping with me was a mistake or not so I won't bring that up (even tho I just did lol). Me and Kenzie were going to find you at first but thenTana said you went to Louise's so at least I know you're safe, please don't get into any trouble Phil, I don't want to loose you. Anyway, Kenzie got locked out of her house and is spending the night (on the couch) at ours *hiss*
Sister Danyul:

I clicked off my phone and sighed, sitting down. "Is Philly going to spend the night?" Darcy asked excitedly, Louise glanced at me and smiled.

"I believe he is." She replied, Darcy's eyes light up and she ran to her room, eager to bring out dolls for me to play with her with.

She brought out three barbies, two boys and one girl. She set them down and looked up at me, giving me one of the boys with dusty blonde hair and abs while she held one that looked like Cinderella and another with brown hair and green eyes.

"Prince Charming is pregnant with the other Leo's child and Cinderella is the nurse." She announced, I smiled for a moment, trying to figure out how that would possibly actually work but playing along anyway.

I miss us, Phil. | PhanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang