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"I want to name him Micjeal." I pushed, looking down at the child, Kenzie laughed.

"You want to name the child after your dead friends middle name?" She taunted, I flinched slightly and sighed.

"Listen, Phil's dying wish was for the fucking child to have a father and if you don't let me name him Philip I'll leave as fast as you made mine and Phil's respect for you disappear." Kenzie sighed and looked at the doctor before nodding and signing some papers. I held the child.

The child might not have been Phil's but some of Phil was in it, ginger hair and blue eyes, I smiled slightly. Not just the same color but the same eyes. I held him closer, as if he'd leave me if I let loose.

The doctor looked at the child then me, then Kenzie. Me and Kenzie both had brown hair and brown eyes and the child had blue eyes a ginger hair, it was quiet obvious I wasn't the father and I could tell the doctor knew as well and was wondering if I knew.

I sighed quietly and handed the child to Kenzie who smiled down at him. Maybe she did have a heart.


"If we're going to be together, the sex needs to be good." Kenzie mumbled against my skin. I sighed slightly, thinking about Phil for a moment. I had fucked people before but it wasn't as enjoyable as something else. "It doesn't even have to be sensual. I don't mind, at least your hot."

"Wish I could say the same for you, Kenzie." I mumbled back, pausing for a moment as she kissed my jaw to my mouth. What I was met with wasn't anything I've ever felt, rough, raw, just anger in it but smooth. I honestly hated Kenzie but the child had to have the best life possible.

Chris and PJ were watching him currently while me and Kenzie "sorted some stuff out".

She pushed be back and I paused when I realized something, I whined and Kenzie stopped, rolling her eyes.

"What now, Daniel?" She asked impatiently.

"I wanna be fucked." I whimpered, she made a confused face.

"but I'm the girl." She argued.

"But Phil topped." I mumbled, a bright red blush creeped up her neck from this information.

"Oh... Dan I can't fuck you that's not how this works." I made a disgusted face and Kenzie sighed, climbing off of me. "We were both girls in the relationship." She whisper-sighed. I nodded and she giggled.


"Hello Internet! How are you guys doing today?" I asked the camera, I got out my computer, "welcome to Internet support group 10." I set it on the desk and a bottle of wine next to it, "I'm going to need that." I told my viewers.

All of a sudden a light giggle and a running child climbed into my lap and smiled up at me.

"Hiiii daddy!!" He giggled, I sighed and shifted, "what are you cameraing?" He asked, I smiled.

"I'm answering questions from the fans." I answered him, gesturing to the camera. A small smile spread across his face and I already knew what he was going to ask. "You can help." I added and he smiled, I looked down at the computer.


I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I'm lost.

I read out loud and was about to answer until Michael opened his mouth. "If your lost then you can use a map like daddy does for the underground." I laughed and pulled him into me, Michael was probably the second best thing to happen to me. You all know the first.

I miss us, Phil. | PhanWhere stories live. Discover now