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 A teacher has get in into the music room 

"Hey what's going on here"-teacher

Senior Namjoon go to the teacher and tell him what was happened. After that all the seniors from the music club have to go to the discipline room. Oh ya... I forgot about him (Yoongi) 

"Are you alright?" 

 "Yes..., I'm okay"-Yoongi 

 Taehyung helps Yoongi to get up. Kring....the school bell has ringing. There is an announcement again. 

 "As I told you a few hours ago, students who didn't have any club must join a new club. All of you please go to the old theater in the cellar" -speaker

 "There's a cellar in this school!?" 

 "Hey! let's go"-Yoongi 

 He invite me to go with him. Jungkook , Taehyung and other seniors also join us.

It's weird because l'm the only girl among of them. I'm walking at the center i feel they are like my bodyguards. suddenly i laugh.


 "Why are you laughing?"-Hoseok


 I stop laughing and hugs Yoongi's hand. I'm suprised because of his face. I can't see his face because it's remember me to a horse. Actually I had a bad memories with horse. When i was 6 i had kicked by a horse because i had pull its tail. The memories is still fresh in my mind until now.


 I release my hands from Yoongi's hand. 

 "Why are you afraid with me"-Hoseok 


 I'm afraid to tell him. I don't want him to get mad. Anyway we are already arrive at the old theater. It is very dirty and scary. Why they ask us to go here? 



 She hugs my hand!! I want to stop her but it's very comfortable. It reminds me to someone... 

 "Yeay! we arrive"-Jimin 

 "It so dirty than i though. What should we do here?"


Someone has close the door. It is very dark I can see anything. 

"Jimin where are you!"-Hoseok 

 "Don't worry i'm here hyung"-Jimin 

 "Namjoon i'm afraid..."-Seokjin 

 "Calm down"-Namjoon 

 Everyone is searching for their beloved friend except me who is already stay at the corner alone. Why i feel tickle on my neck?someone is hugging my hand again.I can't see what is happening now. 

 "Ah~ i don't know who are you but please stop blowing my ear!" 

 "Sorry i'm just hugging your hand i don't know who's blowing your ear"-Yeeun 

"Are you that girl?" 

 "Yes. My name is Yeeun"-Yeeun 

 "If you're not blowing my ear so who's do it?" 

 I feel scare now. Everyone is panic .



 Someone has close the door. It is very dark here. Before the door close. I see Yeeun is hugging Yoongi's hand again. I don't know why but i feel so jealous with him. So i want to disturb them by blowing Yoongi's ear. 


 "Ah~i don't know who are you but please stop blowing my ear!"-Yoongi 

After that the bulbs light up. There is senior Soo Hyuk in front of us. What is he doing here? 

"Okay start now this is your club room. This club doesn't has any name yet so we will talk about it next time. So now let's clean up this room". -Soo Hyuk

Krik ●●●krik ●●●krik ●●●

(everyone is quiet )

"Ehem..ehem i repeat let's clean up this room. Why all of you queit?"-Soo Hyuk

 Everyone starts listening to his instructions after he increasing the volume of his voice.

To be continue...

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