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"Taehyung!" I shout. He smile to me although his head is still injure. My tears come out automatically. I'm very worried about him. I hugs him and said "Are you alright Taehyung?". 

He just smile at me again. I wish i can hear your voices Taehyung. I want to talk with him. I give him a sketch book and a black pen because i want to ask him what was happening until he can get in into the hospital. 

 "What was happened?" 

/just ask Miss Ailee/-Taehyung 

"What happened Miss Ailee?" 

"His head accidentally hit by a flower pot"-Miss Aliee 

"How can that happened?" 

"Erm..just cotinue your conversation with Taehyung. I want to buy some sandwiches for us"-Miss Ailee 

"Taehyung when you will come out from this hospital?" 

/half hour from now/-Taehyung 


 Yeeun i can talk! But i didn't tell her yet. I want to make it surprise. I'm promise i will tell you what my feelings against you today. I can't wait for tonight! Oh ya where's Yoongi? 

 /where's Yoongi? I think i already told Miss Ailee to bring him here/ 

"I think she forgot that. Don't worry i will call him"- Yeeun 

 //In the school// 


 Where's Taehyung,why he is not in the class after recess?"Yoongi can you help me to bring these books to the teacher's room?" Said Mr. Jong Suk."okay" i reply. On the way to the teacher's room. 

Kring...kring...kring... Ah my phone rings. I can answer the phone now because my hands already full with heavy books. Suddenly.. 

 "CATCH HIM!!!"-Kwangsoo 

 I hear some is running to my way. Ah he bumps me. All the books have fall onto the ground. "Wait i know you" i said. He quickly stand up and runs from that place. I had make an eye contact with him. 

"Are you alright Yoongi?"-Kwangsoo 

"Yes. I'm okay what happened?" 

"You know what he almost want to kill me yesterday!"-Kwangsoo 

"He want to kill you!" 

"Yes. His name is Jae Hoon. Actually he is vengeful person. A few days ago, i won the debate competition and he had jealous with me. Yesterday he had broke my car's brakes. I almost die on that time. I hope you will be more careful with him"-Kwangsoo 

"Okay. Thanks for the info" 

 I fetch up all the books from the floor. After finished put all the books in the teacher's room. I go to the toilet for a while. 

 "Taehyung i will find you now. I will never forget that moment when you are punching my face!"-unknown people

 I freeze for a while after heard that. I slowly open the toilet door to see who is talking just now. 

It's is Jae hoon. The one who bumped me just now. I remember now! He's the senior who had being punched by Taehyung a few months ago. He also the same senior who had i bumped a few weeks ago! 

Kring..kring...kring.. his phone rings. 

"Hey where is Taehyung?"-Jae Hoon 


"Seoul Hospital? With who?"-Jae Hoon 


"Yeeun and Miss Ailee? Okay now i want you to search Miss Ailee's car"-Jae Hoon 

 My heart starts beating faster. I think all of them are in danger. 

Ting...i get a sms from Yeeun. 


Hey!hurry come to the hospital. Taehyung's head was injured. We are waiting for you^^ 

 What! So this is true that they are in the hospital. What should i do! I quickly type a sms to Yeeun.

 (Typing...) Don't come out fro that hosp...../turn off in 5 seconds/ 

 Damn! Why you run out of battery in this situation. I can't just stay here. I must help them. I quickly go to the outside of the school and borrow a bicycle from Jungkook. 

 "Can i borrow your bicycle. Please! Taehyung is in the danger now!" 

"What do you mean? (laughing) please don't make a joke."-Jungkook 

"JUST GIVE IT TO ME !!! (serious face)"

"Please don't look at me like that" -Jungkook

I quickly cycles the bicycle to the Seoul Hospital. I'm very thankful because the hospital is not to far from here. YEEUN, TAEHYUNG WAIT FOR ME!!! 

To be continue...  

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