Chapter 8: NOOOOO {Old}

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~Hai! If your apart of my 'school family' which you other people don't know about, it's a family my friend group created and I'm the daughter, 😂😂 lol what could go wrong? Well if your apart of that then say hi in the comments!
Kasey's POV

I opened my eyes to pure blackness, and that annoying thring, thring, thring sound made by my alarm clock, I turned the light on and checked the clock, 6:00 AM, today was my first day of school, I get dressed wearing a striped sweater with jeggings and blue convers (IDK bout that spelling) but I got my new backpack, it was a Nyan cat one, and I ran downstairs, Mark was down their already dressed in his logo shirt and black jeans, he turned his head towards me, "Hey sleepyhead! How was your night?" "Good." I reply and he smiles, "I'm making you scrambled eggs, is that okay?" He asks, "sure!" I say.

~Time Skip~

I finished eating my eggs and Mark had gone upstairs to do a video five minuets earlier, I went upstairs and brushed my teeth, I went into Mark's recording room and crept up behind him and then proceeded to yell into his ear, "BYE MARK!" I ran out of the room Laughing, and ran out the front door just in time to see the bus pulling around the corner, I ran to the neighbors drive, which was the bus stop, and got on the bus as soon as I sat in the high school section I saw that the bus number was 25, cool my least favorite number. There wasn't anyone on the bus, I think Mark had said that we were the 3rd stop. After about 5 minuets another girl got on, she sat behind me and I ducked my head down, hoping she wouldn't notice me. She leaned over my seat and said into my ear.

"Hai! I'm Sarah!" (That's basically how I introduced myself to one of our new kids on the bus 😂😂)
I turn to look at her, "um, hi?" I mutter, "What's your name?" She asks me, "I-I'm Kasey." I say quietly. "Cool, like bowties," she says straightening a bowtie she's wearing, I just noticed that, "What's with the, um," I swallow, "bowtie?" She laughs, really loud, I flinch and she stops after awhile, "I'm a Whovian. Which means I'm a doctor who fan."  The stops and starts ,stops and starts, it ends up with about with a lot of pretty cool kids, well except one, that kid was so dumb, he only thinks he's cool because he cusses. I smiled that rest of the way since I met Sarah, I think I was going to have a good day.

~wibbly wobbly timey Whimey skip~

7th hour, Theater. I was sitting next to this kid, a guy, he leans and whispers in my ear, "Hey, I'm Matt." I turn and smile, "Hi, I'm Kasey." He smiles, "Nice name, you know anything about this class?" I shrug, "it's about theater is all I know, I'm new." He laughs, "Same here!" We talk as quietly as we can and exchange phone numbers right before the bells rings and I shoulder my backpack and head to the bus.

~Time skip~

Mark's POV 

Kasey walks in the house and sits next to me on the couch, "Homework?" I ask, "No" she mumbles, looking at her phone, I lean over her should and she's texting someone, I slowly look at the top of the screen, one name, Matt. I snatch Kasey's phone away "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and run into my recording studio and lock the door. Kasey chases me all the way and pounds on the door, "Mark give me back my phone!!!!"

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