Chapter 15: 5n (And New Story intro!) {Old}

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BOLDED TEXT IT FUN TO WRITE IN, Check out fanlorde 's story! It's pretty good so far! Keep up the good work Jade! Anyways back to the story- this is gonna be a flip through again.

Kasey's POV 

Five nights, Bonnie first, then Chica, then comes Foxy and finally Freddy
Golden Freddy flicks In and out,
Countless screams ring in my head
children dead
And people crying
Mike, Jeremy, Vincent, and an extra nightmare.
MatPat pops in and out telling me theories of the animatronics, the building, the timeline, everything.
"It's all a dream." Rings with my head with the screams of many children. I am crying. Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, Foxy. Golden Freddy empty masks, blinding lights, nightmares and plushies. Toys and dolls. Toy Chica's  missing beak. A key to the dream theory or the timeline theory. I wake up shivering and sit up. Blackness covering my vision. A deep voice saying, "One more to go." And darkness covering my vision. Again.

Once again sorry to keep this short. I'm tired and it hurts to type probably going to be spamming a few chapters. I want to finish this and start a diary. It's not my own, but a very special friend called the Melon Lord wants me to write down her life on the tech. Cause she can't use it. Over time it hurts her.

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