Chapter 8: Colder Throats

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Before I explain the next position I had gotten myself in the gym, let's backtrack a little, shall we? There's a little something I left out in this story.

Ok, so it was a big something...

As you know, Devin had knocked me out cold with his freaky Devil powers (I learned not to question freaky stuff like that because it usually ended with a major headache), allowing me to sleep like a rock through whatever ways of traveling he had taken to get to the D & S tower. When I was laid on top of a soft surface, I remember cooing like a baby being able to sit in the stroller after hours of struggling with its chubby legs to run through the tough sand at the beach. Not the best metaphor, I know, but my body was completely a-okay with having a little cat nap.

Unfortunately, I quickly began coming in and out of consciousness. While I was conscious, I listened to the deep murmur of two conversing men in the room. Devin and Death. I was comfortable at first, listening to their smooth voices, when suddenly, I was absolutely freezing, as if my skin had been blasted with cool jets of air for a long amount of time. One of their voices, Death's, had become as sharp as a blade.

If this was what the after affects of flying with Devin felt like, count me out, because my teeth were chattering so hard that they hurt.

And when I did fully woke up from my bitter-sweet nap, I really wish I hadn't.

"Are you done screaming at me? I think my ears are bleeding. I told you: I was careful."

"You telling me how you were careful while feeding and that it won't happen again is equivalent to a horny guy that holds grudges, and has a sexually transmitted disease promising me they'll use protection the next time they "accidently" bang their ex girlfriend that cheated on them."

"That was unnecessarily graphic and really thought out. And this is me talking." Death sighed deeply. "I'm just saying, I was in control. Don't get your pronged tail wedged up your--"

"Watch your mouth. If you're going to be disrespectful after I've given you a second chance to watch over Faith, we'll have this talk thousands of feet in the air with your wings duct taped to your ass. You better believe I'm dropping you over the Grand Canyon when it's over. I don't care if you were in control. It's never happing again. Ever. You could have killed her. Dead--just like that."

There was a sudden massive heat wave in the room that died down after a few minutes.

"I apologize."

There was some sort of "Gabriel fell from heaven two weeks ago. I don't know the exact reason, but the massive swirling cloud thing going on outside and multiple gun shots and random humans going psycho and blowing up buildings kind of strikes me as odd. Something is going on up in heaven, and I want to know what. We can't just assume the Elder's are coming down because the warlock told you so. This storm could also mean the Balance is about to collapse. In a month or so, Gabriel's wing wounds will heal and he will be much harder to track down. He can't get far without his wings and I need to find him. I have to. The Balance collapsing, or even the Elder's coming down to pay us a visit, are both something we have to prepare for."

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