02 - England

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A.N. They've gone to England and they haven't been home in a few days.


P.S. I'm English. Just saying because I might make some jokes about England/English people and I'm not trying to be offensive in any way if I do, I'm just making fun of myself and where I'm from lol

"Hey, Dean," Sam said as Dean walked into the main room of the bunker, "I think I've found a case."

"Go on," Dean replied, sitting down opposite Sam, a beer in hand.

"So get this, people are dropping dead everywhere, their corpses drained of blood. Looks like a huge vampire nest."

"Cool," Dean said, standing up, "let's go."

"Uh, wait a minute, Dean," Sam replied, "there's something I haven't mentioned yet."

"And what's that?"

"It's in England."

"...England?" Dean repeated, "Dude, we are not going to England."

"We might have to, it looks like nobody's taking care of this."

"So there are no hunters in England?"

Sam shrugged and continued, "but I vote we go check it out anyway. I mean, maybe afterwards we could stay a week and have some time off,"

"Are you insane?" Dean cried, "We can't go all the way to friggin' England!"

"Why not?"

"Because... Well, because, " Dean stammered, "You know why,"

"We don't have to go on a plane," Sam replied with a smirk.

"Right, and how else are we going to get there?"

"Cas could zap us there," Sam suggested.

"Last time Cas zapped me someplace, I didn't poop for a week!" Dean cried in frustration, "we are not going to England, Ok?"

"Hello," a voice said from behind them.

They turned around to see Cas standing there.

"Hey, Cas," Dean replied, "what are you doing here?"

"I heard you needed assistance getting to England,"

"No," Dean replied immediately, "we are not going!"

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Another voice said from behind Cas.


"Why the hell are you here?" Dean cried.

"I heard someone mention a trip to England," Gabe replied, "and Cassie here can't take you by himself,"

"That's true," Cas commented.

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