06 - My Dysfunctions Pt.2

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A.N. OK so you know I mentioned an alternative ending in that really angsty update I did?? Well, this is it.
It includes;

the teensiest tiniest bit of angst
a little bit of fluff
no death
it's not in a diary form like the other one so that's something

Also sorry for the lack of updates. I've been like writing multiple at once and then not finishing any because I'm a lazy motherfucker. And I deeply apologise for the previous update.

It was Summer and Castiel was sitting outside on the trampoline in the garden. In case you didn't know, a trampoline is actually a very comfy seat, especially when it's nice weather.

He'd taken off his trench coat and was just sitting there in his jeans and a hoodie, a book in hand.

'My Dysfunctions' was tucked safely inside one of the many large pockets of his coat. He always carried it around with him, in case someone like his dad or one of his brothers were to go snooping around in his private stuff.

Suddenly, Cas heard yelling from the garden next door:


It was Dean Winchester.

Cas gulped and tried to focus on his reading even though he could hear Dean and his little brother Sam talking over the fence.

It was hard not to eavesdrop on their conversation. They were being so loud and, well, how could Cas ignore someone like Dean?

"Give me my phone back, you son of a bitch!" Dean cried.

Cas heard Sam laugh, "you have to get it yourself, I told you!"

"You tall-ass fucker!" Dean swore.

Cas couldn't help himself; he glanced up from his book and over into the garden next door.

Sam was holding Dean's phone up in the air, way above his older brother who was probably average height for a boy his age.

Sam was very tall. Even when they were kids, Sam had towered above Cas.

"Look," Dean said, giving up on trying to reach the phone, "I'll make you one of your veggie shake things if you give it back,"

Sam shook his head.

"Fine, I promise not to use your laptop without permission," Dean sighed.


"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just give me my phone,"

Sam handed him his phone, "if I see any signs of you having used my laptop,  I will take your phone again."

"Fuck off," Dean replied, starting to laugh.

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