16 - Don't Go Snooping In My Brain

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A.N. Oh hi hey hello this is not exactly the smut thing I promised as a follow up from the oneshot Dude, Goths Are So Gay but it's still smut. Please bear in mind that I've never properly written smut before or at least not with two guys and I'm a girl who's pretty into girls so I'm not very experienced in that area and stuff. So sorry if it's shit. Or if I chicken out mid oneshot. Anyways this thing is inpired by many others I've read and I thought I'd do my own take on it. Basically it's where Cas can read minds with his angelic whatever stuff so all of the thoughts will be in italics. So yeah enjoy x

Castiel had always known that he had the ability to read minds but he'd never really put it into action. He was an intelligent Angel and a kind one who put the interests of humanity before his own and therefore he'd always considered eavesdropping on someone's mind to be a colossal infringement of privacy. And he still considered it so, but it didn't stop him from having a kind of curiosity that flourished the more he thought about it.

So one day, lazing around in the bunker with the Winchesters and waiting for them to find something supernatural that they needed to hunt, Castiel decided to test out his mind reading powers on Dean. It wasn't difficult to slip into the hunter's thoughts. It was like dipping a finger into a glass of water and suddenly being able to hear words. And hear words Castiel did;

Fuck, he's staring at me. Just keep focusing on the book and don't look up at him.

Dean glanced up at Castiel and was met with a confused head tilt. The Angel found himself puzzled as to why Dean looked at him when he'd just told himself not to.

Shit. He's doing that cute confused head tilt but what's he confused about? He doesn't look like he's doing anything that could be con- Maybe he was wondering why I looked at him. That's probably it. But-

Castiel slipped out of Dean's thoughts again. Why was he getting so flustered over looking at him? It was only puzzling to Cas so he decided not to eavesdrop any longer and to take some time to think it all over.

• • • •

Castiel refrained from intruding on Dean's thoughts again for an entire week until one day when the Winchesters were in a motel researching for a hunt. Or at least, Sam was. Dean was out at one of the locals bars, presumably imbibing alcohol in vast quantities . The Angel always dreaded evenings when Dean went to bars because he would fret over whether he'd wind up hurt in his in inebriated state or have sex with some random woman - that thought always made Cas experience pangs of jealousy although he wasn't sure why.

Bored out of his mind, the Angel had been keeping Sam company when Dean burst into the motel room, stumbling drunkenly.

"Dean, are you alright?" Castiel asked, standing up and striding over to the dishevelled hunter.

"He's fine, Cas, it's the hangover in the morning you've got to worry about," Sam chuckled.

"Fuck off, Sam," Dean snapped. He wobbled precariously and Cas grabbed his arm to keep him upright.

"Hey, Cas," Dean mumbled.

"Hello, Dean," the Angel replied, nose wrinkling in disgust at the scent of alcohol wafting from the hunter. What had Dean been thinking to get himself into this mess? It was then that the curiosity overwhelmed him and he slipped into the hunter's mind again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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