10 - Piano

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A.N. I've been learning the piano recently and I feel like I'm fucking awesome at it even though I'm actually pretty crap but it got me thinking about how cute it would be if Cas taught Dean how to play. SO about this oneshot;

• they're already together in this one yaayy

• not an au

also if you want to hear the pieces mentioned in this oneshot, I'll link some videos at the end. just in case you want a better idea of what's happening. although the majority of the pieces linked aren't piano versions but you get the idea of the tune and that's all that really matters. and that's basically it so here we go;

Dean had always thought they'd discovered every room in the maze they called the bunker. But when he took a wrong turn, he found himself outside a door he didn't recognise, beer in hand and confusion across his face. It was a heavy-looking door and he could hear muffled music being played from behind it.

"What the hell...?" Dean muttered as he listened closer. The music was being played on a piano and it was so beautiful and so passionate that Dean was almost at a loss for words.

Curious, he pushed the door open. Right in the centre of the small dark room, in front of a large black grand piano, sat a man in a tan trenchcoat.


Cas stopped playing instantly and turned around as fast as he could without falling off the stool. His face looked slightly surprised  at first but when he saw his boyfriend, his face lit up.

"Hello, Dean!"

"Was that you playing the piano?"he asked, walking over to him.

Cas nodded, "It's Daquin's Rigaudon."

"When did you learn to play like that?" Dean exclaimed.

"In heaven, there was a piano teacher who played all day and I used to visit him in his heaven to listen to the amazing pieces he would play. One day, he invited me to have lessons and so I agreed. He showed me how to play all these wonderful pieces. Rigaudon and Montagues And Capulets are some of my favourites."

Cas stroked the keys as he spoke and Dean watched, mesmerised by his graceful movements.

"Shall I play them to you?" Cas asked, gazing up at Dean with his bright blue eyes.

"Yeah, I'd love to hear!" Dean replied. He sat down in an armchair beside the door and took a gulp of his beer.

Cas played Daquin's Rigaudon first. The opening note was quiet and quick, preparing for the three louder notes that came next, passionate and confident. Then Cas' fingers moved like lighting over the keys as he played the grace notes, and slowed as he lead back into the three loud crotchets again. Soon the piece was over and he began on the next one.

The Montagues and Capulets was a thunderous, almost angry piece. Dean watched in awe as Cas hands leaped up and down the keys, crawling like spiders and swirling as if he were casting some sort of spell. And he may well have been, judging by the way Dean was completely enchanted by the ominous sounding piece. Suddenly, the mood changed slightly as Cas dropped the volume and began playing high pitched, staccato notes, leading into a crescendo in the bass notes. This piece was longer, but it was over sooner than Dean had hoped for. He wasn't usually one for classical music, but the way Cas played made it so beautiful he couldn't help but love it. And it made him love Cas even more.

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