14 - On The Head Of A Pin

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A.N. So this oneshot is based off the episode On The Head Of A Pin (04x16) and it's basically Cas' thoughts throughout the entire thing because that episode I just can't even. Also I have a fucking insane headache at the moment so please excuse any mistakes etc.

Darkness consumed the empty motel room as Uriel and I waited for the brothers. We hadn't called for their assistance in a while and although I had spoken to Dean merely a few days ago when Alastair was about to attack him, I felt as though I hadn't seen the eldest Winchester in ages. It left this strange sensation within me - a sensation all too human that unnerved me slightly.

I didn't have to wait too much longer to see Dean again though, for soon enough the sound of a key twisting in the lock of the door echoed throughout the motel room, notifying us of the brothers' arrival.

"Ah, home crappy home," Dean sighed as Sam flicked the light switch.

"Winchester and Winchester," Uriel smirked by way of greeting. Annoyance instantly darted across Dean's freckled features.

"Oh, come on!" he whined.

"You are needed." Uriel stated.

Dean's mood worsened upon hearing those three words;

"Needed? We just got back from needed!"

"Now, you mind your tone with me," my brother scolded, disaproval clear in his voice.

"No, you mind your damn tone with us!" Dean shot back. I sighed to myself, keeping my eyes averted from the eldest Winchester. This really wasn't going how we'd planned.

"We just got back from Pamela's funeral," Sam intervened.

This only got Dean even more worked up, "Pamela. You know, psychic Pamela? You remember her. Cas, you remember her," - my eyes shot up to meet Dean's as he said my name, guilt filling me as I realised why - "You burned her eyes out. Remember that? Good times. Yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So maybe you can stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five freaking minutes!"

"We raised you out of Hell for our purposes," Uriel replied, completely calm.

"Yeah, what were those again? What exactly did you want from me?"

"Start with gratitude."

"Oh," Dean responded with a sarcastic smile.

Seeing that Uriel wasn't doing very well in talking to the boys, I decided it was time I spoke up;

"Dean, we know this is difficult to understand."

Dean's mood seemed to soften ever so slightly at my words but then Uriel spoke up again, ruining what little progress I had just made. He gave me a pointed look before turning back to the Winchesters.

"And we don't care."

I tried not to let my exasperation show as I turned away from Dean. Instantly, I felt his gaze fall upon my vessel as if begging me to say otherwise. I just kept my mouth shut and my gaze trained away from him as Uriel continued;

"Now, seven angels have been murdered, all of them from our garrison. The last one was killed tonight."

"Demons? How they doing it?" Dean's brow was furrowed slightly in concentration.

"We don't know."

Sam spoke up again, "I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it? I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right?"

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