08 - Make Up, Curry and Kisses

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A.N. hello again! I'm back (finally) with another update! This is going to be super cute and fabulous (like all my others, duh. Jk). anyways, this will include:


But some sad stuff first :(

it's an AU so therefore it is automatically awesome.

Also I've noticed that basically all of my one shots have Dean questioning his sexuality. I'll try and change that up soon, I promise.

(Pretend that's Cas' hand in the picture. Pls.)

Castiel Novak sat in the make up trailer on the set of the TV show Unnatural, butterflies going insane in his stomach.

He'd got the job as head make up artist which meant...

He was going to do Sam and Dean Winchester's make up.

Castiel was so excited and nervous at the same time, because a) Sam and Dean were super famous actors b) Dean was his idol and c) he'd had a major crush on him since high school.

Basically, he was a fanboy.

(A.N. *groans loudly* omg this is such a cliché I can't)

▫◽◻⬜ Cas' POV ⬜◻◽▫

I kept rearranging the make up on the counter to keep me occupied whilst waiting for Dean and his brother Sam.

My hands shook and I knocked over a foundation bottle. Carefully, I stood it back up and decided to leave the make up alone, just in case I accidentally did anything worse.

Suddenly, the trailer door opened and I spun around to see the rest of my make up team.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I went over to meet them.

"Hi!" I grinned, "I'm Castiel, new head of the make up department,"

"Well that's good," a ginger lady laughed, "at least you're not the new head of the clothing department,"

"Yeah," another girl said with a roll of her eyes, "some woman called Naomi. What a bitch. I'm Jo by the way,"

"I'm Charlie," the ginger girl called over from where she'd positioned herself beside the hair desk, "assistant make up artist and hair person,"

"I'm Kevin," the guy behind them said, "I do hair too,"

"OK," Castiel smiled, "I can tell already that you guys are probably a very good team-"

He was cut off by the door being opened again.

There stood Sam and Dean Winchester.

"So who's our new make up artist?" Dean asked.

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