07 - My Dysfunctions Pt. 3

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A.N. This thing is turning into an entire fucking fanfic omg this wasn't meant to happen 😂 ah well.

✴ the usual shit
starts as like a prequel to the 1st part and then goes back to follow on from part 2
there's a bit of a weird crossover into the spn universe because hunting is involved.

Enjoyyyy! hopefully it answers all your questions.

∆∆∆ 4 years ago ∆∆∆

Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester sat on the swings in the local park. It was quite a cold spring day and Cas had his trench coat pulled tight around himself.

"Are you cold?" Dean asked, "you can borrow my jumper if you want,"

Cas shook his head, staring at the grass beneath his feet. He couldn't look at Dean. Not after what his father had told him this morning.

"Are you sure? You look cold" Dean asked again. He was looking at Cas with concern in his eyes and Cas hated it.

Dean reached out for Cas' hand but he pulled away, turning his back on his friend.

"Cas?" Dean sounded upset, "is everything OK?"

"No," he replied quietly, "and it never will be,"

"What's wrong?"

"You know exactly what's wrong," Cas spat back, getting angrier by the second.

"No, no I don't," Dean replied, grabbing Cas' shoulder and trying to turn him back to face him. Cas shrugged him off and stepped away from him, not wanting to be anywhere near the boy he'd called his best friend since they were both toddlers.

"My Dad told me everything this morning," Cas began, bitterness in his voice, "he told me all about what your Dad did. He explained why he always hated you and didn't want us to be friends."

He turned to Dean and stared at him straight in his bright green eyes before continuing, "and I hate you too. I don't want to be your best friend anymore,"

10 year old Dean was lost for words. Since nursery when they'd become next door neighbours, they'd been inseparable; the best of friends. Nothing like this had ever happened before and it felt like Dean had been punched in the stomach. He had no clue why this was happening or what Cas was talking about. It was unbearable seeing the boy he'd fallen in love with glare at him with such hatred.

"C-cas," he stammered, "please, I have no clue what you're talking about,"

"No?" Cas replied as he raised an eyebrow. Dean noticed the boy's hands ball into fists.

"How about," Cas continued, his voice getting louder with every word, "how your father killed my mother?"

Dean gaped at him, speechless.

"How he told my father she was some kind of monster? Or demon?" Cas was yelling now and Dean was slowly backing away, tears pooling in his eyes. He was so confused. What was Cas talking about?

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