09 - The Boy At The Garden Center

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A.N. Hiiiiiiiiiiii! So this is probably just going to be a short cute thing and yeah hope you enjoy! This is;

※ An AU

※ very fluffy

※ teen!Dean and Cas

※Not much else tbh


Dean and his thirteen-year-old brother, Sam, were seated in the back of the Impala, whilst John and Mary sat in the front, chatting about their next post on their gardening blog. Their parents were enthusiastic gardeners and they were always trying to get the two brothers to be just as excited about mud and seeds as they were. And they did this by dragging them out to flower shows and remote garden centers all over America.

Today, the chosen garden center was pretty close to home. It was hidden in a small village - about 45 minutes drive from Lawrence - and was owned by a man named Chuck Shurley. Chuck was also an enthusiastic gardener with a blog of his own. John and Mary had been huge fans of Chuck Shurley for many years and they were very excited (too excited in Dean's opinion) to meet him.

"We're almost there, boys!" John called from the driver's seat, a child-like grin spread across his face. Dean ignored him and continued staring out the window whilst Sam just nodded and went back to reading his book.

"Aren't you excited?" Mary laughed from the front seat, "We're going to meet Chuck Shurley!"

"Oh wow I'm so excited to meet a random person nobody gives a shit about," Dean muttered sarcastically.

Sam couldn't help but let out a small snort of laughter.

"What was that, dear?" Mary yelled, "I can't hear you over the engine, you'll have to speak up,"

"Nothing!" Dean yelled back, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly, John let out a cry of excitement, "We've reached the village!" Mary cheered along with him, causing the brothers to roll their eyes. Their cheering got even louder when they saw a large, hand-painted sign that read "Garden Center This Way!"

"Damn, whoever made that banner must have been making it blindfolded" Dean said to Sam with a laugh. Sam looked up from his book and began to laugh along with his brother at the muddy cloth banner with faded writing and a large, messy painting of a sunflower with a bee resting on the petals. The car turned down the narrow lane beside the sign, making loud crunching sounds on the gravel below. A few cars came into view when the lane widened and beside them was the garden center. It was a small, red brick building with a thatched roof and large windows in the front. The wide wooden door was propped open with a dusty blackboard declaring the store to be open and above it was a much more professional sign with "The Shurley Garden Center" in posh, swirling text.

John parked the Impala alongside a rusty orange Ford and everyone got out, slamming the doors behind them. As soon as the loud bangs rang out around the empty countryside, a short man with glasses, scruffy hair and a beard appeared in the doorway. Mary squealed when she saw him and instantly covered her mouth with her hand, turning bright red. The boys all burst into laughter. Mary swatted at John with her handbag.

Chuckling, the man walked up to them, with a hand extended, "You must be the Winchesters! I'm Chuck Shurley!"

Mary took his hand and shook it, "Pleased to meet you Chuck! We're such big fans of your blog!"

"Thank you so much!" Chuck replied with a broad smile, "I must say, I'm a huge fan of your blog too!"

Mary started giggling and Dean rolled his eyes. John noticed, sighing at his son's attitude.

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