11 - Powercut

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A.N. boop *boops you on the nose* I'M HAPPY TODAY, ARE YOU PROUD OF ME?!? [update: ha as if i could be happy. that was the Monster Assault speaking. And the Relentless. I'm fucking high on energy drinks] anyways, hopefully this one should be cute and i can't be bothered to do the bullet point thing so let's just get straight into this oneshot. oh btw does anyone else love the song State Of My Head by Shinedown?? It's so good like wow. Anyways;

"Hey, babe, I'm off to bed," Dean  called, poking his head around the doorway of the main room of the bunker.

"OK, I'll join you soon," Castiel replied. Dean smiled as he watched his boyfriend skim through a book of lore for the case they were working on, a cute little frown on his face.

"Goodnight, Cas!" he smiled as he turned and wandered towards his room.

He and Castiel had been together for a while now. The story of how they had confessed their feelings for each other was actually pretty funny, looking back on it. At the time it had been extremely embarrassing though;


Goddamn witches, Dean thought to himself. He had always hated witches but this made him despise them. It was his own fault though; he'd messed up on a case and the inexperienced, but dangerous, witch had cast a truth spell on him, meaning he could only speak the truth. It was impossible for him to lie until he and Sam could find a way to break the spell. But of course, Sam had taken advantage of this while he could:

"So Dean," Sam said, sitting down at the table in the motel room they were staying in. Dean looked up from the research he was doing on witches' spells whilst Castiel was staring at him from the other side of the room.

"I wanted to ask you about something,"  he continued, a cheeky grin on his face.

"No," Dean grumbled.

"Why not?"

"I'm scared you're going to ask me something I don't want to answer," Dean replied before he could stop himself. He sighed, frustrated.

"I'm going to ask you anyway," Sam grinned, "What do you think of the 'profound bond' you and Cas have?"

Dean didn't answer but he could feel himself blushing red, so he just glared at Sam.

"Why aren't you answering?" Sam continued, obviously enjoying teasing his older brother, "Are you embarrassed?"

"Shut up, Sammy," Dean snapped.

"I don't understand why you are embarrassed, Dean," Cas commented, looking quizzically at the hunter.

"I'm embarrassed because I have a -" Dean began but he stopped himself just in time, clamping his hands over his mouth.

"You have a what?" Sam grinned wickedly.

"I have a crush on Cas!" Dean cried before burying his scarlet face in his hands.

"What do you mean? You're  not crushing me, Dean, I doubt you have the strength for that."  Castiel looked so confused. Sam burst into laughter, making Castiel look even more confused and Dean go even more red in the face.

Sam managed to calm down before saying,"He means he's attracted to you, Cas!"

"Oh." Cas started to smile, "I am attracted to you too, Dean."

Dean spun around and stared at the angel, mouth open in surprise.

"OK, well, I'm going to go food shopping," Sam said, standing up, "You two have fun."

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