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Henry stalked upstairs, running his hands through his hair. They rarely had runaways at the plantation, therefore no system for catching them, and the girl could be anywhere.

His phone began to ring.


"Is this the VanShay plantation?"


"We found one of yours trying to board a plane, we just wanted to check if this was authorized."

"No it wasn't.  We'll be there to pick her up soon, keep her detained."

For Ellie life was a living hell after Meriddion left.  Even in her discombobulated state, Meriddion had allowed Ellie to work at the bookshop with Peter.  Ellie hadn't been treated as a slave for years, but then Meriddion vanished, and she was left at the whims of her crazed master.

Life was as it had been before she began working for Meriddion. 

Ellie was a pretty girl, so of course, in the role of the slave, she had been violated many times at  young age, and at nineteen it had begun again.  She had confided in Peter when she was able to see him, whether it be sent into town to run an errand or slipping away for an hour and being lightly punished when she returned home if they noticed her absence. 

In recent days Arnold VanShay had become psychotic, Meriddion hadn't answered any calls and he was taking it all to his head, so life became unbearable for Ellie.  How she wished things hadn't changed.

"You girl.  You're coming with me."

"No! Please no!"  Henry was one of the most feared men on the plantation anymore, and not only Arnold had taken advantage of Ellie.  He dragged her out of the room by her arm, twisting it so she couldn't try to pull from his grasp.

Arnold was pacing in his office when Henry finally entered the room.

"Well? Did you find her?"

"Yes sir.  I heard Gerald was back."

"Nothing new to report."

Henry nodded, "The girl is waiting for you."

Arnold made his way down the hallway to his bedroom, where he usually 'punished' the female slaves whom he chose deserved it. He found the girl bound and crying relentlessly.

"Stop your sniveling."

Still she sniffed and cried.

"You want something to cry about? I'll give you something to cry about. "

He walked away from her across the room.

"I found the boy you've been sneaking off to see.  He's in the basement.  So are all of your old friends.  And do you know why they're there? Because of you.  You put them there, you made them suffer for your little adventure.  Now you're going to suffer as well."

He had knelt down next to the girl and taken her face in his hand.  He stared coldly into her eyes until Henry burst into the room.

"Imbecile! You are not to enter this room!"

"I know Mr. VanShay, but sir, you're going to want to see this."

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