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Percy's POV

We sat down in an alley and almost immediately I heard the scream we ran sword and dagger in hand towards the sound and I saw it the minotaur AND a hellhound standing in front of a teenage girl,the girl from my dream, the one that looks like me. Annabeth and I ran to her side she stareatd me in shock then I went after the hellhound and with one swipe of riptide it turned to dust I heard the girl behind me squeak, probably in fear I don't really know. Then there was the minotaur we both charged it and it charged is and Annabeth sliced of its horn side stepping in the process, what was with demigods and cutting off this things horn, oh well we charged again and this time we hit him in the legs or what ever you call or on a cow bull whatever. He started room limp when o saw Annie put on her hat she hates when I call her that but I do just for fun sorry off topic again, she put on her Yankees cap and I saw more blood come from the monsters calf and he fell to one knee. Seeing an opportunity I jumped on his back and thrusted riptide into his back turning him to dust and me rolling to the ground. Then Annabeth took off her hat and we looked at the girl staring wide eyed at us then she turned and ran. We followed the girl but she was pretty fast we lost her once or twice but then we she fell, we both stopped running and walked over to her thinking that it may be a trap. She started speaking in a voice full of fear "if your going to kill me just do it already I have already been through hell and back " with that Annabeth and I both looked at her and said "you have no idea ". After a minute Annabeth looks at the girl and says " we aren't going to kill you if we wanted you dead we would have let the monsters do that, and besides that's not our style we prefer to save people not kill them, monsters on the other hand sure why the heck not bit humans,no." The girl looked at her with tears in her eyes and let out a sigh of relief and then looked at me closed her eyes and said "thank you, but I have to leave before they come back." She tried to stand but fell crying she had sprained her ankle it was swollen you could tell even with her shoes on. " No, your coming with us we can take you somewhere safe and get that foot healed. Your not normal are you, ( for that I got a weird look and a elbow in the side from Annie ) I mean you have always felt different from other people and strange things happen to you a lot, I bet you even have dyslexia or ADHD don't you?" use looked at me bewildered like she had never seen anything like me before. She simply nodded and I helped her into her feet and the three of us walked back to Blackjack.

Annabeths POV

The girl seemed normal enough, for a demigod maybe, I'm convinced she is one I just don't know of who. We started towards Blackjack and I realized we didn't know this chicks name so I said " my name is Annabeth by the way what is yours? " the answer would change our lives from that point on. " It's Pearl, Pearl Jackson."

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