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Chiron and Percy took me to the pavilion, Annabeth had went to do some Athenian daughter thing I don't really know what, but we got to the dining pavilion and I sat with the Hermes cabin and plates and cups appeared with all the food I wanted and drinks too I had gotten a change of clothes these half blood shirts were actually very comfortable. Then as I was about to start eating everyone got up and walked to am altar and put part of their food in the fire, I followed and did the same,I was told by a boy named Travis that it was for the Olympians they liked the smell or something like that it's weird. We sat and started to eat and the guy that was on the porch with Chiron came to the front and everyone went quiet " hello everyone I am Dionysus or Mr. D to all of you and we have a new camper today please stand Pearly Johnson. I stood confused and all the campers shook their heads at him I was back down and the next thing I knew there was a greenish blue light above my head it was a trident. I am daughter of Poseidon. Percy yelled "WHAT, DAD YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO ".
Then Poseidon came out of no where in a small flash of light I knew he was Poseidon because he looked like an older version of Percy and we'll me too. " I know that Percy in fact we both do"and then a woman with long brown hair was popped beside him and Percy looked at her "mom"? She looked at him "Hello Percy ". I at this point am utterly confused "OK so I am a daughter of Poseidon that isn't supposed to happen you aren't supposed to have kids,who is my mom, why was I put through foster care, I have so many questions and I want them answered, NOW". They looked at me with sad expressions on their faces then the woman piped up " I am your mother you and Percy are full blood brother and sister, I put you through foster care because I couldn't take care of you both. The two of you combined your scents were too strong even Gabe couldn't cover it and so when you were born your were put through foster care. I'm so sorry Pearl I didn't want to, that's one of the reasons I always tried to keep Percy close to me although it didn't always work". She looked at Perce with a small smile he had relaxed some now but he was still mad he was red,I could see it he wanted to scream he started to walk away when Sally yelled at him to stop it didn't work he kept going to the lake I ran after him and he jumped in I stood at the edge,I can't swim, I know that's dumb for a child of Poseidon but I have to talk to my brother. I jumped in hey maybe I have water powers now, I started to sink I freaked and I was running out of breath I gasped I could breath,it was so easy,I felt strength coursing through me becoming stronger and not as tired then I could swim. I was Percy in the distance and swam after him I caught up to him he was string off into space or lake,"hey Perce" he looked at me for a minute and then he said "you know I wasn't mad that you are my sister,that's,awesome it's the fact that they lied to me this could have messed up so many prophecies and so many other things I just can't beloved they never told me I had a full blood sister. I already have a cyclopes brother so why am I surprised,you should meet him by the way his name of Tyson he is huge although he is only seven so he's like a big teddy bear ". I laughed. I had a few questions now " Do we have powers over water, obviously we can breathe under it but like powers"? He looked at me funny,he does that a lot,and answered me "yeah we do we can control water,it can heal us and give us strength, we can make hurricanes and earthquakes,and we can shape the water and solidify it. The powers are cool and we are the most powerful demigods even over Zeus's kids they can just fly and summon lightning you will meet the both of them later.
Some rules about camp are no killing the other campers, oh um don't be out past curfew or the cleaning harpies can eat you, and don't make Me. D mad. We where both laughing when the next thing we know we are being pulled out of the water "now is a time to test your powers fight against dad don't let him pull us out I will help, concentrate on the water let it give you strength and you can control it,you'll feel a tug in your stomach it doesn't hurt it feels fine it's normal now go".

I concentrated on the water then I felt it the tug it felt so normal like it should be happening and the water fell a little, then Percy helped me and the water started moving in a different direction,he was overpowering our father well we were, it was amazing then it was just us Poseidon gave up and we willed the water to pish us to shore then I realized we were completely dry I looked at Percy and then at me clothes and he nodded. Today is one of the best days of my life I now have TWO parents and a BROTHER the most awesome brother ever at that. Our parents answered a few more questions and then they left and I moved into the Poseidon cabin it smelled like the sea and the walls shone like a shell. It's beautiful.

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