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So Pearl is awesome for the first time using her powers she was amazing and I can't believe we are FULL blood bro and sis it's so cool. When we were in the water her hair was going crazy until she got it to somewhat stop it's so long it goes down to the back of her knees but its jet black like mine she reminds me of my mom but looks like my dad, we will pull the most epic of pranks!! But right now we have capture the flag and she has been briefed on how to play but I have to help her pick her weapon or weapons so off to the shed we both go. We get to the shed and there is Hephaestus "I have a weapon or two for you Pearl". He hands her a pen like mine, I smile knowing what it is she uncaps it and it turns into a sword the handle says tidal wave in Greek I laugh and pull about riptide then he hands her something else, a trident that can magically stick to the back of her armor when she doesn't need it the he turns to me and hands me my watch " your brother came to Olympus the other day and gave this to,e to give to you he said he fixed it, he also made the trident your Dad told him everything he wanted his sister to have something to protect her too " I saw Pearl looking at me watch confused like HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIM then I got the face of the watch,which is now on my wrist and it turns into a celestial bronze shield. Pearl looks at it in amazement then I told her to take out the trident I took one look at it and saw what Tyson. Had made it special there was a button and I pushed it for her and out popped a shield detachable to the trident with the flock of the wrist, great craftsmanship on my brothers part I can give him that, it's super light so it will be easy to use. We thank Hephaestus and then he left to go talk to his children,this should be interesting.

Next we have to get armor on and we find some that fits her surprisingly well,she not a small person she is only a few inches shorter than me and not skinny but like just right if you know what I'm talking about she's no fat she's a medium idk how to explain things but yeah she's cool. We got her armor and mine as well and left to go join the blue team,yeah the blue team,and it was Poseidon,Aphrodite,Hermes,Hypnos,Ares,and a few others everybody else was on red team including Athena,and that means Annabeth,oh boy. She is one of the best strategist at camp we will be in for it, also Jason and nick are on the other team too so this will be interesting. I tell Pearl this and she looks so determined its kind of funny.

We hide our flag between a group of four trees spite visible but hidden and we place soldiers in the trees around it, it OS close to the creek too just in case.pearl has had absolutely no training in how to use a weapon but she does something that surprises me she puts up her sword and pulls her trident of her armor with a small metallic click and hurls it at and approaching soldiers and hits them with the butt of it in the helmet and knocks them out cold them it slings back Captain America style into her hand, she looks at it shocked I told her that Tyson has our DNA so he can link the trident to our DNA so the one that threw it if it was one of the three of us it will come back, him and Annabeth went through this whole shpeel with me so that's how I knew because my shield does the same thing. Then I remembered about Riptide and Tidal wave I told her how they would show up in her pocket so wear pockets but not too many that can get confusing. She was beaming "I love this place " she said and I agreed with her.

Then they attacked the red team we saw them in the distance and they could see our flag so I yelled NOW and we all jumped out of our trees and prepared for a fight, the flag started to move with no one there I thought for a minute, Annabeth! I lunged and caught the flag and got it away from her fighting someone invisible is not easy. I threw the flag at the water and Pearl got the hint she pointed her trident at the water and raised it up using the water to keep the flag out of reach then she solidified it, now from personal experience that's no easy but she did it, they all stared in awe as the daughter of Poseidon used the water to fight pointing her trident at each person pushing them with water and taking them out one by one her so mining water me using my shield to push the water in different directions we were like a well oiled machine. It was exhilarating then the scouts came back with the red flag and we had won they looked around at all the wet campers and laughed,glad we were on their team, but Pearl and I looked at each other and, oh did I mention we can talk to each other in our heads its like telekinesis,(thank you dad) together we raised the river soaking EVERYONE including Chiron who was smiling and trying not to laugh and yell and every emotion the whole camp started laughing then Pearl and I pulled all the water back into the creek and off the campers then brought the flag back down. We had won and even the loosing team was joyfully. Then we had campfire and sang the goofiest songs Annabeth to my left Pearl to my right and all my friends around me the whole seven plus Nico and Reyna. The romans  and were visiting and they would be for a while it was a fun time but then Chiron said it was time for curfew and we all went to our cabins and Pearl and I left she picked the bed opposite mine and we decided that tomorrow we would go and get her things from her adoptive parents place though she seemed kind of worried about that but she agreed.

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