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I watched Percy and Pearl in fear knowing I would soon have a confession to make and Sally with me. I have dreaded this day for fourteen years the day I would have to tell the truth Zeus will be furious but he can deal its not a problem anymore. I have to talk to her to Sally, this will be fun I don't think Paul likes me too well, he loves Percy but um not me defiantly not me however he puts up with me. I am in Olympus I morph down to the nearest lake and make some mist then throw in a drachma to Iris message Sally she comes into view she is sitting at a table drinking coffee "Sally" she jumps and looks at me confused "Poseidon" I nod and continue in a hurry " Percy had a dream about a girl that looks just like him,it was pearl Sally, we have to explain today or Zeus will be on us both they don't know yet but they are getting there". Sally stared at me I thought she was about to scream but she didn't see cried just sat there and cried I don't know what to do I got rid of the image and popped up beside her I put a hand on her back and she continued to cry, then Paul walked in. " what did you do to her Poseidon what did you do " at this point she looks up at Paul and reassures him it is not my fault and that she had to leave we had to go to Camp Half Blood and make things right with that she left Paul and I in the kitchen then went to get dressed. She came back and looked beautiful as always,why did Zeus have to make that stupid law?

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