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As soon as I said my name I got two dumbfounded looks I think the boy even whimpered. " what " I asked confused and then the boy looked at me and said " I'm Percy, Percy Jackson ". Now it was my turn to look dumb, we already looked alike, and I mean exactly alike it was kind of scary, but now we had the same last name,this is weird. I was about to ask a question when a great black winged horse landed right in front of me I nearly screamed and then I did because it talked not to me but to Percy yet I could hear it and its mouth didn't even move." HOW IS THAT THING TALKING?" Percy looked at me confused " you can hear him?" I nodded and stared at the horse, sorry, Pegasus and then I was put-on his back and we flew off that's when I realized how extremely tired I was I wanted to fall asleep but I knew I might fall,then the ho-  sorry Pegasus talked to me in my mind "its OK if you go to sleep I won't let you fall your majesty" that majesty comment confused me but it was awfully reassuring so I fell asleep.

I woke up when we landed, it wasn't the smoothest landing for sure but the poor thing was carrying three people so you had to cut him some slack." Where are we?" I asked I got my answer when to boys walked up saying " Welcome to Camp Half Blood" they looked like twins and Percy told them to go away,and they did. Percy and Annabeth helped me limp to the infirmary where a blonde haired blue eyed boy in a orange CHB  shirt and cargo shorts wrapped my foot. Later I was told his name was Will he seamed pretty cool. Once we wrapped my foot I was taken to a big blue house, omg the porch were two men one in a Hawaiian shirt and the other a simple sweater and as we got closer I realized he was in a wheelchair. " Chiron " Percy shouted my thoughts took me to the Greek centaur ha like that could ever happen although a while ago I was being chased by monsters so it may be possible.

"I see you found the girl"


I gave Chiron all my general information to my best ability and then he told me something that made me very confused," have you ever heard any of the Greek myths"
I answered with yes, I had always been fascinated by those myths I don't know why but I had been made fun of for it when I was a child. Hr looked at me and chuckled " They are all true, every single one, mostly,and all the people are the gods children or descendants, there are also good mythical creatures here I know it is a lot to take in but it will seem more normal eventually."

I was stunned for a moment at his straight frowardness but then I snapped out of it " It doesn't surprise me at all actually I have always been different and seen things no one else can see so if I am one of these people I wouldn't be surprised. I just don't know who my parent would be I was adopted as a baby I don't know if I would be looking for a mom or dad.
Percy looked at me surprised I guess most people don't take it as well I did.
Then Chiron started to move and stand but his legs stayed to the seat and the legs of a horse came out of the wheelchair, the was THE Chiron, the centaur. This is amazing, I'm so excited now I can't wait to look around and to possibly figure out who my parents or at least parent is. I got a of the camp in Chiron back and then I was taken to a group of cabins all in a Greek omega,gods cabins on the left goddess cabins on the right with Zeus and Hera's cabins smack dab in the middle. I knew almost every symbol on the cabins there were a few that were new to me,that's o, I can figure that out later. " until you are claimed you will stay in the Hermes cabin, how old are you by the way " Chiron said I answered that I was fourteen and then thunder cracked and lightening shot across the sky and Chiron looked worried,apparently Zeus is mad.

Percy and PearlWhere stories live. Discover now