"You'll never guess who I met today."

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I was so exited. I couldn't hold it in. I finally get my own place! I had been preparing for this for a couple years now. Having a little brother didn't make it very easy to have things the way you want them. Now this is mine. I get it all to myself.

I didn't even wanna rest. I step into my apartment and take a deep breath. A smile travels across my face as I start unpacking. I pull out my coffee machine, thank goodness I remembered to grab it. I set it on the counter in the kitchen and plug it up.

I'm gonna need some coffee to get all this done today. I put in the filter and dig in one of the boxes for the coffee. Oh my gosh. I forgot it.

I face palm.

You remember the coffee machine, but forget the coffee. Smart.

I decide to get on all the other things. I pull out my favorite blanket. My mom got it for me last Christmas. I love it mostly because it's crazy soft. It was a good present considering it was in the middle of the winter. I go to the bedroom and lay it neatly on the end of the bed.

I continue unpacking. As I get halfway through it, I hear a loud thud next door and some muffled words. It was hard to make out what it was since it was on the other side of the wall.

I sigh in frustration.

"Seriously? Thin walls?" I finish unpacking and fall onto my new apartment bed. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out to read the notification. It read 'Markiplier has just uploaded a new video'.

Markiplier. Something to look forward to. I started watching his channel a few months ago. My friend Ashley introduced me to him and after one video I was hooked. He's hilarious.

I open YouTube on my phone and go to his channel. As I'm about to click on the video, I hear something break next door.

"Seriously dude?" I say to myself. I decide to go check it out.

Hey. Gotta be a good neighbor, ya know.

I stand outside their door and knock.

"Sir, is everything alright in there?" I ask, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Uuh..yeah. Hold on. I'll be right there." I swore I've heard that voice before. The sound of the locks being undone made me back up a bit.

The door opened and I choked on my words. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me. It was Mark Edward Fischbach.

Holy crap.

I snap out of my thoughts. He had his hand on the back of his head, a grimace on his face.


Pretend you don't know him. Be cool.

"A-are you okay."

"Uh. Yeah I'm fine. It's just..." He sighs, "its a long story." I look past him and into his apartment. It was destroyed. He had a huge desk that was tobbled over onto his computer. His chair was broken and from the position of the chair, he probably hit his head.

"OH MY GOD! Your apartment!!" I freak.

"There's the long story." He sighs, looking at his destroyed room.

"And your computer!" I put my hand over my mouth.

"Mmmh yeah." He looks back at me. "How rude of me, I don't know why you'd want to but," He looks back at his apartment," would you like to come in?" He bows.

He invited me in. Holy moly!

"Oh, sure." I step into his apartment. He runs to his desk and tries lifting it. I decided, since I'm in the presence of Markiplier, I am literally required to help him, so I run to his side and help lift the desk off his computer. Once we lifted it, there was no doubt his computer couldn't be fixed. It was smashed.

"Sh*t." He runs his fingers through his hair, examining the mess that was once his computer.

"What are you gonna do?" I ask, standing the chair back up.

He sighs. "I don't know."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Uhh...well I was attempting to grab my phone from the top of my desk and everything that could of gone wrong went wrong." He sits down on his chair, and fell over, hitting his head on his table again.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" I kneel down next to him to help him up.

"Yea-up" He sits up against the table.

"Do you need to go to the hospital or something?" I ask.

"No. I'm fine." He stands to his feet.

"Are you sure."

"Positive." He laughs, rubbing the back of his head. He looks down at the chair. "I'm gonna need a new chair though."

"I'll help pay for it!" I say, quickly.

"What? No. No. You don't need-"

"I insist. You make my day ten times better everyday, so it's time for me to return the favor."

He scoffs "So you've heard of me?"

"Seriously, Mark? Who hasn't?" A smile travels across his face.

"Hey. I never caught your name." He points at me.

"Jamie. I'm Jamie Scott."

"Well Ms. Scott. You've made my day. Thanks for the help." He smiles. That just made my day.

"So maybe you can get you a new computer and I'll get you a chair." I say.

"That's nice of you, but-

"No buts. See ya later." I head out and he follows me to the door.

"Bye, Ms. Scott." He shuts the door. I got goose bumps every time he said that. I pull out my phone to text Ashley.

You'll never guess who I met today.

THE END BEGINS| Markiplier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now