"Ash, you need to see this."

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                    Ashley's POV-

      I got home last night and my mom was pretty mad. She's really protective of me but she loves Jamie to bits. If I was with anyone else she'd of had my butt. She's afraid I'll go off and drink or do drugs or something. I would never do that, but a lot of young adults are. That's probably why she's worried.

I come into the kitchen and find that mom's not there. She's usually there every morning, cooking breakfast or making coffee, but this time-

"Ashley!" I hear mom yell from the living room.

"Mom?" I run into the living room and find her sitting on the couch. "Mom, what's wrong?" She was watching the news.

"Ash, you need to see this." She looks at me with glossy eyes. I look up at the tv.

My eyes widen at what I see. I see two faces that I knew very well. Markiplier and Jamie.

"Jamie Scott and Famous youtuber, Mark Edward Fischbach have allegedly gone missing. An emergency 911 call was made. The police department reports that they answered the call but there was not a response. They rushed to the location to find sighs of struggle as Fischbach's apartment was destroyed. Right now their whereabouts are unknown. The police are filing  missing persons reports. Our hearts go out to the friends and families of the missing victims and we hope they're found soon."

My eyes burn and my heart drops. Jamie's missing. My best friend is missing. "Oh my-"

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry." My mom comes over and hugs me.

"I just saw her last night. Now she's missing." I mutter.

"It's okay, the police will find her. All we can do is hope she's found." Hope?

"No, I'm not gonna sit around and hope.", I release my mom and grab my jacket.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find her." I grab my keys and go out the door.

"Wait! Ashl-" that's all I heard as I got in my car and left.

THE END BEGINS| Markiplier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now