"Ms. Scott."

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I invite my friend Ashley over to help me unpack. After we finish, I tell her everything. "What was he like?!" Ashley freaks, sitting crisscross apple-sauce on my bed.

"He was clumsy and...."

"Oh my gosh! How did you run into him?!" She rests her head on her hands.

"That's the best part." I say, mysteriously.

"What?" Her expression was priceless. Whenever someone keeps her waiting to hear news, it irritates the crap out of her.

I smile, keeping her waiting.

"What?!" She grabs my shoulders.

I grab her arms. "He lives next door."

Her eyes widen. "Are you serious!?" She freaks. I nod. "Is he next door right now?!"

I nod.

"Oh. My. Gosh! You're so lucky! What was his place like!?"

"At first...messy. Then I helped him clean it up a bit." I say, grinning wildly.

"You went into his apartment?!"

I nod. "He broke his computer though." I sigh.

"Are you serious." She whispers with concern.

"Yeah, his desk fell on it."

"Aww. Poor Markiplier." She puckers her bottom lip.

"He's getting a new one tomorrow though. I'm buying him a new chair since he broke his."

"OMG! You're buying a chair for Markiplier! I am SO glad you didn't listen to me when I told you this wasn't the place." She grins, looking around my new apartment room.

"I am too." I laugh. Her eyebrows sow together when her eyes stop on me.

"Is that one of the earrings your mom gave you?" She asks, pointing at my left ear.

"You mean those earrings?" I ask.

"No. You only have one in." She replies.

"WHAT?!" I feel my ear and realize one is missing. "We've gotta find it!" I jump off the bed.

"Woah-woah-woah! What's the hassle? It's just an earring."

"Just an earring? That earring would cost me my arm!" I run into the living room.

"I'll check in here!" Yells Ashley, from my bedroom. I search the floors and under the couch cushions, but it was nowhere. Ashley walks in.

"Did you find it?" I ask, anxiously.

"No." She goes to the kitchen area behind the counter and opens the cabinets.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Hey, it could be anywhere." She pulls out a back of chips.

"You seriously think that it'll be in a bag of potato chips?" I roll my eyes.

"I've seen you chow down on these before. You never know."

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