"A large room with a small light" (3rd person) POV

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Mark wakes up in pitch blackness. It didn't make any difference wether he was conscious or not. The room was just as dark as it was when his eyes were closed. Mark tries to move only to realize his hands were bound. He began to panic. He knew this would happen. He tried so hard to get away-to hide from this evil that followed him. He knew this was going to be his situation one way or another, but what he didn't know is if this evil knew he was aware of it following him around.

Mark hears a click and a moment later a light flickers above his head. He squints at the sudden brightness and tries to observe his surroundings. But there was nothing to observe. There was only a cone of light surrounded by pure darkness. He couldn't even see the walls, so he just stares, hoping something will appear out of the darkness.

Then, just as Mark expected, he hears an echoing tap of shoes and a face comes into view. The man's eyes were dark, and his expression cold. The shadows on his face gave him a dark aura. His hair was unkempt and messy and he wore an untucked white dress shirt. He lowered his head to the floor and his eyes seem to darken as his hair fell in his face.

Mark had so much to say-so much he wanted to ask, but now that he was looking him in the face, his words seemed to clog his throat to the point where it seemed like the only way of getting them out is to swallow. Mark takes a big gulp.

A smile creeps onto the man's lips. "You're afraid." Mark is silent. The man scoffs. "Well that's not like you. Don't you talk for a living?"

"I-..." Mark trails off. That was the only word he could muster up.

The man chuckles. "You're wondering why you're here, aren't you?" Mark swallows, as he observes the man. "You're wondering why you're in a large room with a small light, huh?"

When nothing is said back the man sighs. "I didn't think I'd be the one asking questions, but I'll explain." The man lifts his head to the light and starts walking circles around Mark. All Mark could do was stare, listening to the 'tip tap tip tap' of the man's shoes.
"This room is my solitude room. Now I'm sure you know what happens to people when exposed to solitude for long periods of time. They lose there mind!" The man flares his fingers as if to imitate an explosion. This man is really off his rocker, Mark thought.

Mark swallows and musters up the courage to speak. "W-what do you want?" He tries yanking his hands from the rope.

The man pulls out a knife and stares longingly at the blade. Mark gulps at the sight of it. "That is the question. 'What do you want?' There's a lot of things I want."

"What does it have to do with me?" Mark refrains from escaping. His wrists burned from the rope.

The man chuckles. "Oh it has everything to do with you." When Mark doesn't say anything, he continues. "My daughter, the sweetest girl she was......watched you everyday." The mans scary sarcasm dies and his seriousness seems to set in. Mark instantly misses the sarcasm. "She loved you. She talked about you and your community all the time. I thought, how could such an innocent girl fall under your influence."


"SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" The man lashes out, violently stabbing the knife into the arm of the chair. Mark shuts his eyes, stiffening. The man takes a deep breath. "So therefore, what I want is to see you suffer." He yanks the knife from the chair and turns away, disappearing into the darkness. Then the lights go out and Mark is left alone in the dark.

THE END BEGINS| Markiplier fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora