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Back to Jamie's POV. Hope you're enjoying it so far!

A week later.*
My eyes flutter open. I'm not where I was. It's dead silent with the exception of the whistling of the wind. The ceiling looks like that of a cabin, filed logs and such. Then I remember.

I remember what happened. My name is Jamie Scott. I had just moved into a new apartment. My best friend's name is Ashley Allen. My neighbor's name is Mark Fishbach and last I saw him, he was unconscious. At least I still have my memory.

I sit up to realize I actually am in some sort of cabin. I feel pain throb in my head and to my surprise, I'm bleeding. I put my hand on the wetness and look at its color. It was a bright red unlike the blood I saw on Marks wall. Mark....

I hope he's okay. I wonder who did this? For now I just need to figure out where I am. I stand and the floor creaks under my feet. To be honest, the cabin looks quite cozy other than the fact that the lights are off and dust particles are floating about. It's also freezing cold and frankly, what I'm wearing is definitely not for nippy weather. I sigh out a fog of white mist.

I look around for a light switch, but I come to realize that there aren't any light bulbs in here at all. That's odd. I guess it's just meant to be dark.

I notice the wind pick up, sounding like some unnatural screaming. I go to the door and attempt to turn the nob, but it doesn't budge. I lift the blinds and peep outside. I'm almost blinded by the sudden brightness. No wonder it's so cold. There's a freaking snow storm going on outside. It covers the ground like an over sized blanket. The trees are pointed like giant Christmas trees and clobs of snow sit on every branch. The sky seems to have a pastel like tint as it is snowing heavy.

I back away. Where the hell am I? I notice that in the corner, there's a little table with an ash tray. Smoke rose from the ashes.

I stare. I'm not alone. I don't smoke, but someone else does. I grab the crowbar sitting next to the fireplace and scan my surroundings. The sound of the wind is unsettling. It's the only thing I can hear.

"Hello?" My voice comes out quiet, as I feel the dryness in my throat. How long had I been out? A loud thud snaps me out of my thoughts. I hear muffled words coming from a closet.

"Hey..." Comes out, muffled from behind the door. I grip the crowbar as I approach. I notice how bad I'm shaking as I reach for the nob. They bang on the door again making me jump.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and swing the door open, gripping the crowbar tighter than before. Just before swinging, I freeze.

"Yami?" I drop the crowbar, letting it clatter to the ground. He sits there and rests his head on the door frame. He looks a pale as a ghost, and from what I can tell his hand is covered in blood.

"Help." He chokes out. I look down and notice the horror. He's hurt and his shirt is cover in blood from what looks like a stab wound.

"Oh my gosh! You're bleeding!" I kneel down to help. Then he passes out and falls to the floor. My hands wonder as I think of what to do. I'm not trained for situations like this. I stand my feet and grab his arms, dragging him to the couch. I find it very difficult to pull him up on the couch, but I manage.

How long has he been in there? I place my hand on my head and the other on his. He's burning up. I look around. How am I supposed to help him? There's nothing here and I can't call anyone. I can't even leave.

I stand and start searching for things. I could say I opened every drawer and every door and only found a couple rags and an actual bathroom. I get a rag and soak it in cold water. I then ring it out, and place it on Yami's head. That's the least I can do for him.

I could clean up his wound with another rag. I don't think I'll be able to take it though. I sigh in defeat. I have to help him as much as I can. I go to the bathroom and grab another rag, this time soaking it in hot water.

I kneel down next to him and observe. I brace myself and unbutton his blood soaked shirt. There's so much blood, it's hard to tell where the actual wound is. I wipe the blood from his torso. It's bleeding pretty bad.

Once it's all clean and I'm as white as a ghost, I get some gauze and patch him up. Then I sit next to him and burry my head in my knees. I start balling. I want to go home. I wanna see my parents, my brother, Ashley. I miss them. I haven't even been here long and I'm already overwhelmed with sadness and fear.

Time passes and I'm still here, eyes wet from salty tears. I keep an eye on Yami. Why is he here? What is going on? Why am I here? All these questions roll around in my head. I feel exhausted and eventually fall asleep dreaming about home and family dinners.

THE END BEGINS| Markiplier fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя