"You're getting the chair?"

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There was so much going on I couldn't believe it. I felt like a volcano of excitement holding back its explosion for hundreds of years. The pressure always overrides eventually. Soon I won't be able to hold it back any longer and burst into fiery excitement involving flips, squeals, and hyperventilating. I feel like I've met a celebrity. I met Markiplier! I'm buying him a chair!

"How about this one?" I ask, pointing out a fancy red rolling chair.

"Do you see the price tag on this thing?" Ashley flips the little yellow paper tied to the arm. It read $210.

"You've got to be kidding me." I bend down closer to see if I read it right.

"Price tags don't lie." Ashley sighs.

    "No kidding."

     "It's just a chair. It doesn't have to be a all fancy and out there. Just get a normal 'non-expensive' gaming chair." Ashley suggests.

    "When are gaming chairs non-expensive?" I ask, crossing my arm across my chest.

   "When you find the non-expensive ones." Ashley places her hands on her hips.

"Okay. Okay. How about this one?" I find a normal black gaming chair. I flip the yellow tag and it read $70.

"Told ya." Ashley smirks.

"Shut up." I pick up the chair and haul it to a register. My arms were relieved when I finally sat it down. The man at the register looks up.

    "You're getting the chair?" He smiles. His teeth were as white as wool and his dimples were as cute.

    "Yeah?" I confusingly smiled back.

    "I'm sorry", I look at Ashley, who shrugs in response, "you don't look like the video game type." He taps the little screen next to the register.

    I look at his name tag.

    Jared Ardmor

    "Well, Mr. Ardmor", he looks down at his identity pinned to his shirt and scoffs, "I happen to like video games. Besides, it's not for me."

    "Okay. So it's a gift." He shrugs, "That'll be 70 dollars, please." I dig into my tiny shoulder purse and pull out a hundred dollar bill.

    He takes the bill and opens up the cash register. "You're change is exactly 30 dollars." He hands me a 20 and a 10 dollar bill.  "Have a nice day." Jared hands me my receipt. I pick up the chair and haul ass for the door.

    "You too." Ashley responds and we walk away. She turns to me. "What a nice guy." Hushed but excited, Ashley turns back to look at him.

    "Hey, don't get too hasty. He probably barely makes minimum wage." I look back at him. His jaw line was on point and his boredom made him even hotter, his dark brown curls resting on his forehead.

    "Come on. You've got to admit...he was cute." We walk through the glass doors.

    "Which is all the more reason to steer clear. He's probably broken more hearts than Patrick Dempsy in Can't Buy Me Love."  We finally reach the car, so I set the chair down for a moment to get my keys.

   Ashley screams making me jump. "GIVE ME THE PURSE." I spin around and find a masked man putting a gun in Ashley's face. I freeze and drop my keys.

    "Woah...dude.." I try talking with him.

    "SHUT UP!" He points the gun at me. Ashley and I exchange looks, hands raised.

    I swallow. "Okay, let's....be rational about this. You don't...hav-

   "I SAID SHUT UP!!" He pulls back the hammer of his pistol. Suddenly he's knocked to the ground. Jared lies on top of him as his gun skids across the concrete. Jared grabs the gun quickly and points it at the masked man.

   "Call the police." Jared says, not taking his eyes off the man.

    Ashley fumbles for her phone and dials 911. "Hello!? Police? A man has attempted to rob my friend and I. Yeah? Um...well he had a gun, but someone already took care of that. He's wearing a black mask....okay..okay. Thank you...oh..the..Walmart on Christin St....yeah...okay..thank you." She hangs up the phone.

"They're on there way." Ashley confirms. I look at Jared who still had the gun aimed at the man.

"You can go. I'll get security to help me out with him."

    "Are you sure?" I ask, I take a step towards him.

    He sighs. "I'm sure. We've got some pretty tough guards here." I nod and turn to notice 4 security guards run out of the Walmart. They must've noticed the commotion from inside. They grab the man by the arms and yank him up, putting his hands behind his back. Jared lowers the gun with a sigh. He hands the gun to one of the security guards and rubs his head. He looked visibly shaken.

    He looks at me. "Let me help." Jared insists, grabbing the chair. Ashley opens the car and pops the trunk, so Jared can put the chair in.

    "Thank you so much for your help." I say as he shuts the trunk.

    "Just trying to do some good." He smiles, "I better get back to work."

    "What are ya gonna tell the cops?" Ashley asks, approaching from my side.

    "Exactly what happened. I saw enough to give them a good report."

    "Okay, well..thanks again." I say, getting into the drivers seat. He nods with a radiant smile as he leaves.

    "Oh and good luck!" Ashley yells. He turns and smiles.

    "I'm sure you need it more than I do!" He replies. Ashley and I laugh.

    I'll say.

    I start the car and leave the parking lot. "Woo, what a rush." I sigh, with a slight smile.

    "You mean the robber or the super hot employee?" Ashley laughs.

    "Hey, you have my approval,"I scoff, "since he practically saved your life."

    "And you said he was a heartbreaker." Ashley's annoying told-ya-so voice came through.

    "I'm sure. Who ever had to loose him, must've had their heart broken."

    Ashley just laughs at my comment. "Because of the crazy adrenaline, I almost forgot you bought a chair for Markiplier."

    I couldn't help grinning wildly. What a day.

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