Chapter Ten

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Angelo parked his car  sitting back he  looked at his reflection in the mirror  in the last month a lot of things had changed for him. First being that he found out he could be hurt by a woman, that had been a shock. Never in his life had he given a woman a second thought after a break up, than came Francesca. She had manage to warm her way  in to his heart which amazed  him  how one minute they were getting  at the moms. The next minute they were knocking boots then  they fighting and breaking up all of this  with a couple weeks. How had he let that quirky woman get next to him was unbelievable. With her perfectly pouty lips, long sexy legs and smart ass mouth. Just when he thought he was about to recover she calls.  And he’s back too these old feelings, who was he lying to she had him hooked the first time he saw her dancing in his kitchen. It took everything in him to refuse to see her today.  He couldn’t blame her for the reaction over the baby thing but he could give her a little of her own medicine for not wanting to talk to him until now. They would meet when he was ready.  She had thrown his  whole game off with other women he now started comparing them to her.  He had to take back some control. His friend Rob teased him about being whipped.    Telling him that he went from cover of GQ to the cover of Outdoor  man. Staring at his reflection he turned side to side. Yes his hair was longer.  a little wilder lying past his collar and now he keep a two day shadow.   So what.  He decided to change his look it had nothing to do with Frenchy . Getting out of the car he closed the door .  Walking past  a group of women he smiled at the hungry looks  they gave him as he walked into the club  greeted by a very attractive blonde who called herself  Tiffany. She  placed a key in his hand than explained the process of the Lock and Key party. Angelo watched  her closely as she continuously batted her eyes and smiled as she  grabbed his hand from time to time pulling it close to  chest.  She made  no attempts to hide her attraction and made sure that  her lock was the first he tried. Smiling as another group entered behind him she made sure to pass him a piece of paper with her name and number.  Than  motioned  for him to call her. She definintly didn’t mind the new look one bit. He smiled to himself as he entered the first floor of the club.

“Hey man, I glad you decided to come out, I was about to give up on you.” Rob slapped his friend on the shoulder glad  to see Angelo out . “What changed your mind? Or should I even ask?”

“Frenchy called me.” Angelo looked at Robs shooked face and began to laugh.

“ That deserves a double .” Rob stopped waiter given him a order.

“She wants to get together and talk.”

“Don’t do it  there’s a catch somewhere.” Rob shook his head and pointed. “ Women always have an ulterior motive.”

“So you believe it’s something behind this meeting.

“Hell yeah! Don’t you? It’s been eight or nine weeks she ignored all your attempts to apologize.”

Rob handed Angelo his drink.” My suggestion is get over Frenchy. I know she may be a hard  act to follow but look around there’s an ocean of good looking babes here tonight waiting for guys like you and me to take them home tonight. And I hope to fulfill their needs.

Angelo looked around at the crowd of single men and woman all hoping to get hooked. He still couldn’t believe Rob talked him into coming to this Lock and Key party.  The whole thing was unbelievable, girls wore locks and guys got keys. The guys had to try the locks to see if they had a match. Girl after girl had approached him, hoping that his key would open their lock. Now a group actually approached them waiting for them try their locks. So far no lock matched his. Since  Francesca he hadn’t been in the mood for any socializing with the opposite sex. The gym had become his second favorite place to be. He could run off the frustration of Francesca Moretti  the  woman who haunted  his dreams every    night. Leaving him hard and horny in the morning needing a cold shower. She had literally ruined him from wanting other woman like she put voodoo on him. He had to snap out of her spell she had cast on him. The woman had  kicked him to the curve. Now she wanted to talk.  Forget Francesca he had to get over her. And this was the place to start. A tale redhead kept smiling at him, he smiled back as he began trying a petite blondes lock.

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