February 29

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Dear Diary,
I started today like any other day. I woke up and put my shoes and sweater on and went out of the forest. Then, I walked. I walked all day and all night until the next day. I just walked. I knew that if I stopped, Susan would get me. I walked until I saw an old antique shop by the road. I saw there was a man at the counter, polishing a pretty dish. I hated this man. I don't why, I just hated him. While I was looking through the window, I  saw a vision of him as a little boy, laughing. He was standing with some other kids in the vision, and they were just laughing. I heard a train whistle, so I snapped out of it. A train was going by the shop. The man didn't look up. I knew I had to kill this man. Susan told me to. She said he was the reason, but I don't know what the reason is. I decided that I would kill him tomorrow. Then, I went to the forest by the road, and went to sleep.
Lucy Belle

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