Chapter 14

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Author's note:'s me.

Hi my beautiful readers, I am back! To bring you guys up to date, the reason I was M.I.A was because of finals and finishing up the semester. After all of that chaos, I took a few days off for myself to recoup. I appreciate your patience, and this story would not be as big if it wasn't for all of you. Honestly, this story was created just for fun, and I didn't imagine that so many of yall would react so positively to the random ideas spurring out of my head.

Keep in mind, I let the story write itself, and basically go chapter by chapter while writing. All chapters on here are rough drafts, and I will later go in and tweak them up. I plan to write more frequently, and certainly stress free this break lol. But lets get to the good stuff, enjoy!


She remained skeptical the entire drive home. Naomi constantly checked her surroundings and looked in all directions outside of her car, making sure she wasn't being watched or even followed. The night sky deepened as she drove down the streets of Atlanta. Signs, people, and lights all came alive, which gave the city a unique glow. Now, Naomi didn't care to study the lights. She repeatedly peeked out of her mirrors. Finally after minutes of excessive side glances, she pulled up to her apartment entrance. Without hesitating, Naomi sprinted to the front door, and locked herself inside.

Her breathing was jagged as she plopped her belongings on the floor next to her. She quickly scanned her apartment. Naomi tiptoed throughout her residence, and attempted to mimic the discreetness of a mouse. First, she checked her small, compact kitchen. Her paranoia resulting her checking even the smallest cabinets. She traveled to her living room, and all the way to her bedroom. Naomi looked within the contents of her closet as well as under her bed, and other tight spaces. Once she felt thoroughly satisfied with her room sweep, she sat on the edge of her bed. She ripped her shoes from her ankles, and removed the heavy earrings from her lobes.

She decided that she would set a hot bath to wrap up the night, and try to wash away the built up tension. Stripping herself of her remaining clothing, she strolled into the bathroom connected to her bedroom. She walked over to the small tub, turned on the faucet, and stood patiently while the water filled up. She slowly dipped her toe into the water, and when she was satisfied with the temperature, Naomi slid effortlessly into the heated water. She allowed her head to rest backwards as the liquid swished over her body. She closed her eyes tightly, and fell deeper into the water.

After a long bath, Naomi dried off and put on a comfortable pair of shorts and a big t-shirt. She walked in the kitchen, and grabbed a water bottle from the bottom of the fridge, then made her way to the couch. She planned to distract herself from the hectic day. So, Naomi turned on the t.v., and quickly pulled up Netflix. She searched through the dozens of shows and movies, but finally came to a decision to catch up on Scandal.

Four episodes deep, Naomi shook her head back in forth at the love triangle between Olivia, Fitz, and Jake. While throwing her hand up in frustration, she heard the doorbell go off.

Naomi reached toward the remote, and paused the episode. Looking at the time under her t.v. stand, her heart jumped. 12:00a.m.

Who the hell is visiting this late?

She paused for a moment.

Maybe if I stay quiet they'll go away.

Naomi stood abnormally still, praying that the person at the other side of her door would leave. But as soon as she thought that they'd given up, she heard the bell buzz again. Dammit. Hesitantly, Naomi tiptoed towards her front door. She was careful enough not to make a sound, and give off that she was awake.

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