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I felt like vomiting. I felt dirty inside. I wanted this hell to be over with.

"God I'm sorry for being ungrateful or selfish, just please help me!" I begged lying on the floor. My body ached. I was tired and sick. Tears trickled down my face. I wanted to be with Brad and my mom. I missed them so much.

It took me awhile before I decided to get my clothes back on. I hurt so bad. I felt dirty and gross. My legs were like jelly. I could barley walk. The sound of the music from upstairs stopped. That's when I knew the people were leaving. I wished to never see those two men again.

~two weeks later~

I kept on complaining to master about stomach pains and throwing up. But he just ignored me. I assumed I had the flu. Surprisingly, master took it upon him self to bring me a huge breakfast. I gladly ate it. I was dying for something to eat.. It didn't go very well with my stomach. I got really bad cramps and nausea.

"Master, I feel sick." I complained lying my head on the ground.

"We'll you probably ate to much dumb ass. Ugh no one has offered any money if you're found. I'm getting real tired of it, if someone doesn't soon, I'll have kill you." He snapped sounding annoyed. My heart sank. I was extremely mad that no one care if I was gone. Or that's how I felt. I felt as if I was useless and everyone was happy without me. Maybe it was better if master did kill me...

"Ugh.." I moaned before puking everywhere. Master shot me a death glare.

"WHY ARE YOU MAKING SUCH A GOD DAMN MESS?!" He snapped smacking me across the face. I began to silently cry. Master rolled his eyes before walking back upstairs. I smelled horrible. I lost tons of weight. And I was sick. I was a mess. I haven't showered since I moved in with Brad. In fact, I don't even remember that day.

For the last hours, I tried regaining my memory. As in, my name, age, and personal life. But all that I could remember was my name was Rebecca and master was to be referred to as master after every sentence. I must have been here a long time.


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