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I woke up in a different location. I didn't know where I was.

"Hello? Master?" I asked. That when I saw master come through a door.

"Hey." He answered annoyed.

"Where am I?" I asked looking down at my body. I was naked sitting in water.

"Your in my bathroom, the smell from downstairs was starting to attract attention. So you have to wash up." He answered shutting the door. I didn't even recognize that it was a bathroom. I sat in the water from the tub staring at my body. I was EXTREMELY pale and thin. Although my stomach stuck out a bit, but it's always done that. I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and began scrubbing my head. Dried blood and dirt was filling the water as I rinsed. I started to feel fresher. I was in the tub for about 10 minutes before getting out. I dried myself and got into fresh clothes that were sitting on the counter. They looked like masters clothes, but I happily wore them. I took the towel and wiped the fog off the mirror and looked at myself. I didn't look like myself at all. I looked older and thinner. My blue eyes were dull and turning grey. My brown hair was wet, but really faded, almost dirty blonde. My eyes skimmed the counter and i found an open box with a little stick thing inside. I couldn't read the box, or it was very difficult to read.

"P--r--e--g-g-g--n--a--n--c-c--y. Pregnancy." I pronounced then read aloud. "T---e--s--s--t. Test."

It took me awhile before I understood what it said. "Pregnancy test." I whispered tilting my head. I then pulled out the stick inside. There was a screen that had a + on it. Then it clicked. My heart sank. I looked at my stomach and sure enough, there was a there was a tiny bulge down by my abdomen. I began to panic and pound on the door.

"MASTER!" I cried with tears streaming down my face. There was no answer. I assumed he was downstairs. I couldn't open the door. It was locked. I grabbed another pregnancy test and sat in the toilet. Sure enough, it read, positive. I leaned my head over the toilet feeling like I was goin to puke. But I didn't. I can't do this.


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