Sneak Peak

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I backed away from him trying to find the best route to run away from him but I was too late, I was surrounded. I looked up at him, "Can't we sort this out some other way? I'm sure we can, right?" I asked hopeful but his eyes held anger and vengence for what I did.

He let out a bitter chuckle, "Sort this out? Did you hear this guy? Leo is your name right?" he asked getting closer to me with some weird glint in his eye. I was going to keep backing away but stopped when I felt the wall behind me. My hands rasped against the hard brick wall before I gulped and nodded, "Y-Yeah, why?" I asked him trying to sound tough but my voice cracked making me curse at myself. So much for sounding tough.

I really should have come up with a back up plan! His hand grabbed my chin tilting it up so my eyes meet his, "Just wanted to know the name of person who dared tried to take my jewels and money from me." he replied nonchantly. His body guards behind him glared at me menacingly daring me to do something to their boss again but I wasn't that stupid or daring.

"You only have one option now my good man." he said making my eyes focus on him again. I tried to pull back from his grip but he held firm making me whine and him chuckle. "Submit to me or else." he whispered in my ear.

I groaned mentally, why did I have to hide the jewels!

Hiding The JewelsWhere stories live. Discover now