Chapter 5 'I hate magazines'

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"Oh so lonelyyy!! Always so lonelyyyyy!!!" I sang loudly and horribly. I didn't care though it was true and it's been five days since I've seen or had any communication with my best friend slash brother. I wonder what he's doing right now but most importantly how I'm going to deal with that asshole mafia guy or whatever the hell he was. I don't really know.

I gripped Zigi in a tight hold because earlier in the week I had gone back to my place to see that Jack's room was no more his. Sure, his bed and dressers were there but clothes and personal stuff, nope. It didn't really come as a shock but it did mean that I had to hurry up with my plan. I hadn't thought of anything yet though and it was harder than I thought when you have no information on the men that kidnapped you.

I soft knock sounded through my room, "What?" I spoke up. My mom entered through the room in all her glory her brown hair up in a messy cute bun matching her blue eyes. She was dressed in a sweat shirt and sweat pants and looked no younger than 30. "Well you've been here for the last five days singing lonely all day long and I really don't think that will help you so get your skinny ass up and do some grocery shopping for me. Maybe you'll think of something." she encouraged making me nod.

I guess she had a point, nothing will be solved here. "Okay, just let me get dressed." I told her. She nodded and closed the door behind her, I took the chance to stand and stretch before going to my closet and picking out the clothes that I'm going to wear. I decided on a white tank top with some white and black joggers. I then slipped my Jordan's on before grabbing my wallet and phone.

I walked out of the room to see my mom in the kitchen with dad cooking some pasta, most likely for tonight. "Alright, what you need?" I asked them. Dad turned his grey eyes to me before grabbing a list from the refrigerator. "Here that's what we need. Now, take your time to make sure you got the right thing alright son? If you get something wrong I won't be scared to box your ears." Dad reminded me making me nod. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry dad." I reassure him before making me way to the door.

I tell them goodbye before closing the door and making my way down from the apartment. When I feel the air in my face, a smile slips from my lips. Man, being in the room for five days straight made me miss the outside. I go to the parking to see my baby waiting for me.

"I bet you missed me, didn't you?" I cooed at her. I started her up letting her purr for a while before I decided it's about time to go. We didn't need a lot so I'm pretty sure it'll all fit in the storage of my baby. One thing I didn't miss was the damn traffic that's for sure. It was about an hour or forty minutes before I actually got out and made my way to the grocery store. Hell, I went to a small one cause I didn't want a crowd anymore. I turned off my baby and made my way to the store while looking at the list.

"Cheese, okay, I can get that." I told myself. I grabbed a cart and made my way to the cheese section. I grabbed some cheese then made my way to get bread, yogurt, and a few fruits. After I finish I start walking to the check out section but just before I reach it, a certain magazine with a certain someone's face pops out of me. My hands curl around the cart I have before glaring at the face in the magazine.

My hands reach for the magazines before reading the title, 'Adam Vilode, hot C.E.O or sexy C.E.O?!' I SAY FUCKING ARSE! I threw the magazine on the floor before stomping on the repeatedly. I was so blinded by hate that I didn't notice the weird stares I was getting. "Uh, sir, please refrain from hitting the merchandise." A girl spoke up not too far away from my position which got me to calm down a bit because I was being a bit...weird.

I turned to the girl, "Sorry...anger issues?" I told her even though it sounded more as a question. She shook her head before saying it was okay and walking away. "Dude, you alright?" I looked behind me seeing a red haired guy with hazel eyes looking at me with a bored look but if you looked closely you could see the slight amusement and small smile, he looked about my age. He had a leather jacket with nothing underneath it which matched his black jeans and boots.

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly before bending down and grabbing the magazine, "Yeah, I'm fine mate just really don't like the guy in the picture. Faced him one time and it was a horrible ending. Let's just say I went in with someone and came out alone." the guy softened his look before giving me a small smile, "Adam does that, I actually know him and his friend. The names, Milo by the way." he said reaching out with his hand. I shook it but gave him a weary look, "So, you work for him or something?" I said in a rather harsh tone. Milo seemed unaffected by it though as he shook his head, "Nah, my boyfriend is friends with Luis, his best friend and he sometimes brings him. I don't really care for him though." he admitted making me relax to some degree.

"Oh cool mate, I guess. The names Leo and have you seen him these past days?" I question. Milo cocks his head to the side, "Adam?" he asks. I shake my head, "Luis." I answer. Maybe he's seen Jack? I could probably rely on him to give me information that I need but one things for sure I'm flipping glad I bumped into him.

"Uh no but me and my boyfriend are going to see him today because he said something about having someone or something like that." he answered. I feel myself getting excited but I need to keep my head so I try my best to seem unaffected by the new information. "Really? Hm, that's nice." I say casually or at least I thought I did because Milo crosses his arms and raises and eyebrow at me, "Dude, I'm not an idiot is this guy he's bringing your friend or something? You did say you went to see Adam with a friend and came out alone." he reminded me making me shift awkwardly before nodding slowly.

"...Yeah, his names Jack. I lost him about five days ago. I'm trying to come up with some rescue mission. I know this is probably really weird and we don't know each but can you see if he's okay for me when you see him tonight. Maybe try to talk to him?" I ask rushed not trusting my voice. Milo stifles a chuckle before nodding, "Sure dude, why not? I might not talk to him but if I do I'll tell you. I'll need you phoney numby though." he answered making me smile and laugh. "Haha okay here give me your phoney and I'll put my numby." I say making him laugh and nod an okay before giving me his phone.

I eventually tell him to text me later so I know it's him then make my way to the check out after waving bye with the promise to see each other in two days at the café not to far from here.

I pay for the things my parents need then go out to parking lot where my baby is waiting patiently, not that she could really move. I put all the things in the storage before getting on and turning her on. Haha, turning her on. Vroom vroom bitch now your turned on. I crack myself up!

The ride back home was easier then getting there since the traffic had gone down but before I went home I made sure to get me some doughnuts because I haven't had any in a long time. It only took me about 20 minutes to get back at home. I got the groceries and doughnuts before making my way up, unlocking the door. I close it behind me before going to kitchen where mum and dad where. "I'm back! Here's the things you needed." I told them putting the bags on the counter. My mum nodded at me while my dad continued cooking, "Thank you sweetie but what's up with you, you seem more..happy?" She asked me. My mom catches on quick but I don't think I should tell her anything yet though I'm pretty sure I had a plan.

"Got some info so I'm closer to the rescue mission and doughnuts." I tell her showing her the bag of doughnuts. She laughs and nods my way. "Alrighty then sweetie well me and your dad are almost finish so we'll call you later when dinner is finish. Don't get full with those doughnuts." I nod and make my way to my room. I lock the door behind me before going to my bed before lifting the mattress up to show the suitcase then I look under the bed where the brown bag is.

I put them on the bed before grabbing a glazed doughnuts and eating a bite, I climb on my bed and clap my hands. "Okay Leo let's see if there's really two million dollars in here." I tell myself.

If there is, I'm pretty sure my plan will work. Adam Vilode get ready because your about to have an unexpected guest well Luis but mostly Adam.

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