Chapter 7 'Through Cameras'

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We followed after Adam's car till they got to a huge glass building named, 'Vilode Inc.' it had to be at least 30 floors. I whistled at the master piece of building, "Nice work place." I commented. Milo nodded, "Yeah, it seems a bit familiar though." he said while looking at the building. Milo shrugged it off though as he parked on the other side of the street as to not to make us to suspicious. We watched as Adam got off and the black SUV kept driving away, "You sure you don't want to follow Luis just in case?" Milo asked.

I wanted to nod my head because Luis is the one that has Jack not Adam but the plan was about Adam so I shook my head, "Nah, all we need is to know where Adam lives maybe we can go up there and ask him." I told him which Milo shook his head to. "Nah, I'm sure with security we won't even get through the front door. Look how were dressed Leo." Milo reminded me. I nodded, "That's right. Welp, looks like we're going to have to chill here and wait for him then." I stated. Milo shrugged before pulling out a stack of Uno. "Wanna play?" I smirked and cracked my knuckles, "Bring it on."


"YOU CHEATER!!" I screamed at Milo before throwing the cards at him. Milo gasped, "Dude! I'm no cheater!" he argued. I raised an eyebrow at him, "You went from five cards to one!" I informed him. Milo shook his head, "I have no idea what you're talking about, I had one card to begin with." Milo defended.

I stood up and reached into his big black coat where I found the other four cards that he hid. I threw them at his face, "Then what are these mate?!" I asked him. Milo stood quiet for a second before looking at me innocently, "I can explain." he told me. I laughed and shook my head, "Yeah, right." I told him.

Milo was about to say something else but then he pointed to the building, "He came out!" I looked back to see Adam coming out of the building with one of his guards. Me and Milo watched as Adam and his guard went to a doughnut place not so far away from the building probably two buildings away.

They seemed to order some doughnuts, we saw as they waiter nodded and in a few minutes Adam and his guard were carrying each four bags of doughnuts before returning to the building. I pouted, I want some doughnuts.

I looked at Milo, "Can we get some doughnuts?" I asked him. Milo nodded, "Sure, why not." So then, Me and Milo got out of the car and crossed the street to the doughnut shop. When we got there the waiter turned to us, "Hi, what can I get you boys?" she asked though I could see she was confused by what we wearing. "I'd like four glazed doughnuts, please." I told her.

I turned to Milo to ask him what he wanted but again, he was staring intently at the building. "Milo?" I said, poking him in the ribs. Milo shook his head, "Yeah, sorry I want the same thing." He told the waiter. She smiled and nodded before coming back with two bags, one for me and one for Milo.

"Thank you." I told her before handing her a ten-dollar bill. "Keep the change." I told her. Me and Milo started walking towards his car again, "Why do you keep staring at the building like that?" I asked Milo before taking a bite of my first doughnut.

"I can brush of this feeling that I know the building like in a bad way." Milo answered. I gulped, "Bad way?" I asked him. Milo nodded. "Oookay." I said opening my door. Milo went to the driver's seat and started his doughnut, "I know sounds weird but it's just a feeling you know? Almost like..." Milo stopped talking then looked at building again.

Finally, I guess he remembered why it was bad.

"Almost like, what?" I asked Milo. Milo instantly threw me his doughnuts. "We're going." Milo said while trying to start the car. "Wait, what?! Why?" I asked him while holding our doughnuts. Milo kept trying to start the car but it wouldn't turn back on for the life of him, "No, please. Turn on." Milo pleaded with his car.

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