Chapter 1 'Doughnuts'

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"You got what the boss asked for?" I heard a voice say. Interested, I hid behind a wall just a few feet away from where two buff guys were cornering a guy with a suitcase and a bag. I had my bag of glazed doughnuts in my hands, munching quietly.

The lone guy noddded at the two males, "Y-Yeah I got it all right here. You can check it and everything." he told them tidmily. I rolled my eyes at the guy, you can tell from a mile away this guy was scared of what the two males were going to do with him. Each of the males took one thing from the guy while the guy just stood there.

What stopped me though was the marvelous blue jewel that one of the males pulled out from the ugly brown bag. As a theif I could not let this moment just pass me by, I needed it and while I'm at it, I might as well take everything.

I smirked and munched evily on my doughnut thinking of a plan that would insure me a safe escape plus the load of money. I looked around the building then at the three males, I nodded to myself, yep this plan could work.

"Get back here you little thief!!" I heard the tallest of the two buff guys yell out. I stuck the middle finger at him from where I was on top of the building. "Bitches can't do shit!" I yelled at them letting my british accent slip as they struggled to climb the building I was in. To keep it short, they left everything in their car while talking with the lone guy, I took my chance and took everything.

I had my book bag handy with me so I just stuffed everything in there including the suitcase, the only thing I had out was my bag of doughnuts but it looked similar if not exactly like the ugly brown bag that the jewels were in which made me smirk. "Here, take them I just wanted to mess with you." I said dropping the bag of doughnuts.

The guys faces turned a pale white as the bag came tumbling down the building. Just before it hit the ground though the shorter guy held out his hand catching the bag of doughnuts. They both sighed in unison before clutching the bag and making their way to the car not even bothering to check the bag. They even forgot about the suitcase! They're so dumb, I swear. I laughed before making my escape to the cafe in need of some new glazed doughuts!

I held the new bag of doughunts at my side happily just as I arrived at my humble home. A normal house with 3 rooms, one for me, one for my parnter in crime and the other was just our game room. If we didn't have one we would fight for who got what console in their room. I opened the door before locking it, humming to myself I made my way to the game room.

I slammed the door open revealing Jack, my partner in crime, on his bean bag in front of the t.v playing Mario Kart, the kid was obessed with the game. Jack was 20 like me with lighter brown hair styled in waves but it was short so you couldn't tell that much, it looked sexy on him though. His brown hair matched his dazzeling light green eyes though they sorta reminded me of a neon green shirt sometimes because of how light they are. He was only an inch taller than me with a more muscular body but not that much were it was it was a fighters body. I had a more lean body but still had my muscle.

"Guess what I just did!" I sang happily. Jack took the lollipop that he was sucking on out of his mouth and glared at me, "Sex now next time knock on the damn door." he responded before putting the lollipop in his mouth again continuing to play Mario Kart.

I stomped my feet and got in front of his t.v which succedded in making him more angry. "Leo! Stop being such a dick and move out of the way!" He shouted at me but I held my ground making him growl and he was about to stand up to beat the shit out of me but I held my hands in front of me.

"W-Wait! Hold your ground soldier!" I told him making him smirk playfully but sit back down, pausing his game. I sighed in relief because if anybody knew how to fight it was Jack, my best friend could have John Cena in the floor in seconds even if he was small.

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