Chapter 4 'For a brother'

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"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed making Jack wince at my voice being so loud. I was so focused on his face that I didn't notice the body that came up behind him till he took Jack so he was sitting on his lap on one of the leather sofas. What shocked me was that Jack just let him! Never in a million years did I think Jack would let another person do that to him let alone a man!! I did notice the look of murder on his face though but he didn't do anything.

"J-Jack you didn't need to! Why would you do it!" I screamed at him, my voice cracking. I saw the blonde guy holding Jack whisper something in his hear which made Jack close his lips making my blood boil. Ugh! I hate him being so obedient! "Jack! Talk to me! Why are you even being obedient to that son of bitch!!" I tried but Jack just kept his lips shut making me pull out at my hair. "You wanna know why?" my kidnappers voice cut me from my thoughts. I glared at him but nodded. He smirked, "Because he knew what I was going to do to you and didn't want that to happen to you. I have to say you have one amazing friend too bad you'll probably never see him again." He explained making my heart break.

Jack was my best friend and brother, I would die if I never saw him again especially since I knew it was all my fault. I didn't get too deep into my thoughts though because I heard Jack's voice, "I can't see him anymore?" Jack asked the blonde guy. The blonde guy looked at Jack and shook his head, "No." that finally got something out of Jack as he growled at the male. "I still want to see him!" he argued but the blonde guy wouldn't budge and shook his head. "That wasn't part of the deal only his safety and freedom and I suggest you close your mouth." He warned. How dare he talk to my best friend like that!

"You can't tell him what to do and Jack I wouldn't have cared besides I deserved it!!" I yelled at him. That finally made him glare at me, I could see all the emotions in his bright green eyes. "No, you don't deserve it! I don't care if you stole two million dollars you don't deserve to be tortured and be used as someone's boy toy!!" He screamed making the room heat up with tension.

That's when I realized that he pretty much just told me what my kidnapper was going to do to me. Bloody hell what did he have to care so much but then again I cared just as much. "I've had enough of this screaming." my kidnapper said all of a sudden. I tore my attention away from Jack to glare at him but he just walked to the desk on the far left of the office, "Guards, come in and take this kid away." he said into the intercom on the desk. I looked towards Jack but he the blonde guy was holding him while covering his mouth.

I didn't even have time to think before I felt my arms being grabbed, I screamed and struggled not wanting to end it like this. "Jack!!" I screamed looking at him, I could see him struggling wanting to help me but it was too late just as the door closed. I continued to struggle because I knew I had to get Jack back. I wasn't going to let him take responsibility for my actions! It was harder than I thought though because as soon as I was outside the guards took my inside a car. There were two guards so one of them held me still and covered my eyes while the other one started driving.

After ten minutes of struggling and screaming I held still because I knew I didn't have any strength left. I couldn't help but think that if Jack was here he would have no problem dealing with these assholes and even if he did he wouldn't stop struggling like I did. A couple more minutes passed and the door opened and I was pushed out, I gasped and balanced myself before I hit the cement sidewalk. I turned behind me and glared at the guards but they just laughed and sped off leaving me in front of my house.

I looked at the house that I called home but it didn't seem very comforting. That's when I realized that I had left my baby at the stupid meet place. Welp, looks like I was walking to my baby cause like hell I would leave it there but before I did I went inside and grabbed a sturdy book bag. I put all of my important essentials inside as well some clothes before putting the book bag on. I nodded after knowing that I would be good. I was about to go outside but my eyes caught sight of Jack's room. I bit my lip in indecision before shrugging, 'I got nothing to lose.' I went inside looking at Jack's room seeing his famous punching bag to the right of his room. I walked around his room several memories flowing back to me.

I was about to leave when I caught sight of Jack's stuffed koala, Zigi. I didn't even think twice as I took it and stuffed it in my book bag. When I meet Jack again this is the first thing I'm going to give him. I know he loves it with all his heart. After that I took one last look at my house then locked it and started for Lagon street.

It took me a good forty minutes by foot but I was finally here and my baby was unscathed and beautiful. I got my keys and started my baby before getting on and riding into the city.

I parked my baby in front of a big apartment complex and looked at the similar creme colored buildings. I got off and started towards the lobby where I took the stairs up to the third floor. Floor I room 23. I stopped in front of the door debating if this was a good idea or not but then I remembered being alone in the house and immediately knocked on the door. I could hear footsteps as they approached the door, I heard the lock as it came undone and my mum face appeared.

She gasped as she saw me and immediately threw her hands around my neck as well as leaving kisses all over my face. "Oh my sweet little baby! Your home! Please, come in." she said opening the door more so I could come in. I thanked her and came inside, I looked around seeing that nothing really changed it was still the home I grew up in and snuck out of.

I walked down the entrance hallway to appear in the dining room, I walked to the right where there was another hallway, I walked through it which lead me to the grand living room where my old daddy was sitting reading on the nice brown soft sofa. When I walked in he looked up at me, shocked to see me there. He set down his newspaper and walked towards me before giving me a huge hug. I hugged him back before me and parents all sat down on the sofa.

Before they could say anything I spoke up, "I'm only staying for a bit something happened to Jack and it was my fault. I'm not leaving him but for now I need to lay low and find someway to help him." I explained. They were both quiet before my dad spoke up, "Alright Leo but just know if you need anything were right here. I'm sure your not the one to blame either." he encourages making me smile at him.

I hear my mom sigh, "Your fathers right even though I don't like that idiot because he's very troublesome. I know that he cares much about you so I will support but that doesn't mean I don't like him any less." She assures making me chuckle softly.

"Thanks guys, I know I just came out of no where but you still seem to understand." I told them sincerely. They both just shook their heads, "Leo, we love you and the only reason were assholes is because you did something really stupid or were trying to keep you safe." Mom explained making me pout but nod.

"Alright, I'm sure your famished. How about we eat something then you can go to bed so you can start tomorrow on your little rescue mission." dad suggests. I laugh and nod. "Sounds perfect."

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