Chapter 8 'Assistant'

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When Milo finally came out of the room he looked like a mess, his hair was a mess and he had a slight limp to his walk, his face was red too. I could tell he didn't want to meet Xander eyes, I wouldn't be able to either. "You going to be okay, mate?" I asked Milo. Milo chuckled before nodding as he tried to fix his crazy hair. "Yeah, don't worry." he reassured me.

His voice was hoarse too. I really don't want to know what the hell they were doing in there. Adam stood up and started walking to the elevator, he looked back at me, "You coming kid?" he asked me. I stood up and followed after him as well as Xander and Milo. "Looks like your my personal guard for today, Xander." Adam told him, smirking. Xander smirked back at him, "I better get a raise for this."

Adam flicked him off, "You get paid enough." He told him. Me and Milo laughed, "Looks like someone is a stickler for their money." I said out loud as the elevator started going down. Adam stuck his tongue at me, "Yes, I am kid. I'm not a stick up rich guy that's why I wanted my shit back but now I can't have it back now can I?" He said pouting a little.

I chuckled at his face, he looked pretty handsome. Just saying. When the elevator door opened we walked out to what it seemed to be a garage with motorcycles and cars what made my drop was that they all looked flipping awesome. I couldn't contain my squeal as I ran to see all of them especially a full black Suzuki gsxr 1000.

Why hello, you sexy thing. I didn't even want to touch it in case I damaged or left fingerprints on it.

"You like it?" Adam asked from behind me. I nodded excitedly, "Is she yours?" I asked him. He nodded, "Yeah but you can ride it I have another one, this one is usually for shows." he explained to me. I looked at him like he was crazy, "For real?!" I asked him again to make sure he was serious.

Adam chuckled but nodded again, "Yeah, Xander and Milo are using the Kawasaki ninja." he told me. I looked behind me to see Xander helping Milo got on the motorcycle. Aw. I looked back to Adam smiling really big, "A million thank yous!!" I told him before turning to the beauty.

Hi, again you charming beauty.

"Hold up, I don't want your friend accidently seeing you so wear this." Adam said. I looked at him confused before he went to a cabinet filled with so many helmets, different colors, designs, sizes.

Someone hold me.

Adam picked out a black one and came over to me putting on me, it fit securely. "Fits good?" he asked me. I nodded, he nodded then brought down the lens that were tinted. "You can still see fine, right." He asked me. His voice didn't give away any emotions but with all the questions you would think he's worried about me.

"Yes, I'm fine Adam." I assured him. He nodded, "Good." I smiled and get on the beauty turning it on so she could purr. Oh my gosh, what a sound. Yes, boo, sing for me! I backed out of the parking just in time to see Adam doing the same thing in Suzuki that was brown, black, and red. Weird colors but she still looked really pretty.

When Adam started driving out me and Xander followed after him, I could see it was already dark outside. Wow, we took our time stalking the place. I chuckled at that and sped past Adam. I looked back to see him shaking his head at me. He was wearing a helmet too probably because he didn't want anybody to know who he is. His suit made him stand out though not that it made him less handsome.

I really need to stop, keep your thoughts to yourself Leo!

Adam roared his beauty and sped past me again making me laugh as I caught up with and stayed next to him. Not too close, don't want to crash now. After a few more minutes we appeared to seem like a bridge with no water under it. Adam led us towards some tunnels that were connected to it, it went pitch black for a second before the light came back to us in thousands.

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